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Sketch project file

Sketch metadata is defined in a file named sketch.yaml. This file is in YAML format.

Build profiles

Arduino CLI provides support for reproducible builds through the use of build profiles.

A profile is a complete description of all the resources needed to build a sketch. The sketch project file may contain multiple profiles.

Each profile will define:

  • The board FQBN
  • The programmer to use
  • The target core platform name and version (with the 3rd party platform index URL if needed)
  • A possible core platform name and version, that is a dependency of the target core platform (with the 3rd party platform index URL if needed)
  • The libraries used in the sketch (including their version)

The format of the file is the following:

    notes: <USER_NOTES>
    fqbn: <FQBN>
    programmer: <PROGRAMMER>
      - platform: <PLATFORM> (<PLATFORM_VERSION>)
        platform_index_url: <3RD_PARTY_PLATFORM_URL>
        platform_index_url: <3RD_PARTY_PLATFORM_DEPENDENCY_URL>
      - <LIB_NAME> (<LIB_VERSION>)
      - <LIB_NAME> (<LIB_VERSION>)
      - <LIB_NAME> (<LIB_VERSION>)

  ...more profiles here...

There is an optional profiles: section containing all the profiles. Each field in a profile is mandatory (unless noted otherwise below). The available fields are:

  • <PROFILE_NAME> is the profile identifier, it’s a user-defined field, and the allowed characters are alphanumerics, underscore _, dot ., and dash -.
  • <PLATFORM> is the target core platform identifier, for example, arduino:avr or adafruit:samd.
  • <PLATFORM_VERSION> is the target core platform version required.
  • <3RD_PARTY_PLATFORM_URL> is the index URL to download the target core platform (also known as “Additional Boards Manager URLs” in the Arduino IDE). This field can be omitted for the official arduino:* platforms.
  • <PLATFORM_DEPENDENCY>, <PLATFORM_DEPENDENCY_VERSION>, and <3RD_PARTY_PLATFORM_DEPENDENCY_URL> contains the same information as <PLATFORM>, <PLATFORM_VERSION>, and <3RD_PARTY_PLATFORM_URL> respectively but for the core platform dependency of the main core platform. These fields are optional.
  • libraries: is a section where the required libraries to build the project are defined. This section is optional.
  • <LIB_VERSION> is the version required for the library, for example, 1.0.0.
  • <USER_NOTES> is a free text string available to the developer to add comments. This field is optional.
  • <PROGRAMMER> is the programmer that will be used. This field is optional.

A complete example of a sketch project file may be the following:

    fqbn: arduino:mbed_nano:nanorp2040connect
      - platform: arduino:mbed_nano (2.1.0)
      - ArduinoIoTCloud (1.0.2)
      - Arduino_ConnectionHandler (0.6.4)
      - TinyDHT sensor library (1.1.0)

    notes: testing the limit of the AVR platform, may be unstable
    fqbn: arduino:avr:uno
      - platform: arduino:avr (1.8.4)
      - VitconMQTT (1.0.1)
      - Arduino_ConnectionHandler (0.6.4)
      - TinyDHT sensor library (1.1.0)

    notes: testing the very limit of the AVR platform, it will be very unstable
    fqbn: attiny:avr:ATtinyX5:cpu=attiny85,clock=internal16
      - platform: attiny:avr (1.0.2)
      - platform: arduino:avr (1.8.3)
      - ArduinoIoTCloud (1.0.2)
      - Arduino_ConnectionHandler (0.6.4)
      - TinyDHT sensor library (1.1.0)

    fqbn: adafruit:samd:adafruit_feather_m0
      - platform: adafruit:samd (1.6.0)
      - ArduinoIoTCloud (1.0.2)
      - Arduino_ConnectionHandler (0.6.4)
      - TinyDHT sensor library (1.1.0)

default_profile: nanorp

Building a sketch

When a sketch project file is present, it can be leveraged to compile the sketch with the --profile/-m flag in the compile command:

arduino-cli compile --profile nanorp

In this case, the sketch will be compiled using the core platform and libraries specified in the nanorp profile. If a core platform or a library is missing it will be automatically downloaded and installed on the fly in an isolated directory inside the data folder. The dedicated storage is not accessible to the user and is meant as a "cache" of the resources used to build the sketch.

When using the profile-based build, the globally installed platforms and libraries are excluded from the compile and can not be used in any way. In other words, the build is isolated from the system and will rely only on the resources specified in the profile: this will ensure that the build is portable and reproducible independently from the platforms and libraries installed in the system.

Using a default profile

If a default_profile is specified in the sketch.yaml then the “classic” compile command:

arduino-cli compile [sketch]

will, instead, trigger a profile-based build using the default profile indicated in the sketch.yaml.

Default flags for Arduino CLI usage

The sketch project file may be used to set the default value for some command line flags of the Arduino CLI, in particular:

  • The default_fqbn key sets the default value for the --fqbn flag
  • The default_programmer key sets the default value for the --programmer flag
  • The default_port key sets the default value for the --port flag
  • The default_protocol key sets the default value for the --protocol flag
  • The default_profile key sets the default value for the --profile flag

For example:

default_fqbn: arduino:samd:mkr1000
default_programmer: atmel_ice
default_port: /dev/ttyACM0
default_protocol: serial
default_profile: myprofile

With this configuration set, it is not necessary to specify the --fqbn, --programmer, --port, --protocol or --profile flags to the arduino-cli compile, arduino-cli upload or arduino-cli debug commands when compiling, uploading or debugging the sketch.