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Here you can find a list of migration guides to handle breaking changes between releases of the CLI.


compile --build-cache-path slightly changed directory format

Now compiled cores are cached under the cores subdir of the path specified in --build-cache-path, previously it was saved under the core subdir. The new behaviour is coherent with the default cache directory /tmp/arduino/cores/... when the cache directory is not set by the user.

Configuration file now supports only YAML format.

The Arduino CLI configuration file now supports only the YAML format.

gRPC Setting API important changes

The Settings API has been heavily refactored. Here a quick recap of the new methods:

  • SettingsGetValue returns the value of a setting given the key. The returned value is a string encoded in JSON, or YAML

    message SettingsGetValueRequest {
      // The key to get
      string key = 1;
      // The format of the encoded_value (default is
      // "json", allowed values are "json" and "yaml)
      string value_format = 2;
    message SettingsGetValueResponse {
      // The value of the key (encoded)
      string encoded_value = 1;
  • SettingsSetValue change the value of a setting. The value may be specified in JSON, YAML, or as a command-line argument. If encoded_value is an empty string the setting is deleted.

    message SettingsSetValueRequest {
      // The key to change
      string key = 1;
      // The new value (encoded), no objects,
      // only scalar, or array of scalars are
      // allowed.
      string encoded_value = 2;
      // The format of the encoded_value (default is
      // "json", allowed values are "json", "yaml",
      // and "cli")
      string value_format = 3;
  • SettingsEnumerate returns all the available keys and their type (string, int, []string...)
  • ConfigurationOpen replaces the current configuration with the one passed as argument. Differently from SettingsSetValue, this call replaces the whole configuration.
  • ConfigurationSave outputs the current configuration in the specified format. The configuration is not saved in a file, this call returns just the content, it's a duty of the caller to store the content in a file.
  • ConfigurationGet return the current configuration in a structured gRPC message Configuration.

The previous gRPC Setting rpc call may be replaced as follows:

  • The old SettingsMerge rpc call can now be done trough SettingsSetValue.
  • The old SettingsDelete rpc call can now be done trough SettingsSetValue passing the key to delete with an empty value.
  • The old SettingsGetAll rpc call has been replaced by ConfigurationGet that returns a structured message Configuration with all the settings populated.
  • The old SettingsWrite rpc call has been removed. It is partially replaced by ConfigurationSave but the actual file save must be performed by the caller.

golang: importing arduino-cli as a library now requires the creation of a gRPC service.

Previously the methods implementing the Arduino business logic were available in the global namespace* and could be called directly.

The above is no more true. All the global commands.* functions have been converted to methods of the arduinoCoreServerImpl struct that implements the gRPC ArduinoCoreServer interface. The configuration is now part of the server internal state. Developers may create a "daemon-less" server by calling the commands.NewArduinoCoreServer() function and can use the returned object to call all the needed gRPC functions.

The methods of the ArduinoCoreServer are generated through the gRPC protobuf definitions, some of those methods are gRPC "streaming" methods and requires a streaming object to be passed as argument, we provided helper methods to create these objects.

For example if previously we could call commands.Init like this:

// old Init signature
func Init(req *rpc.InitRequest, responseCallback func(r *rpc.InitResponse)) error { ... }

// ...

// Initialize instance
if err := commands.Init(&rpc.InitRequest{Instance: req.GetInstance()}, respCB); err != nil {
  return err

now the responseCallback must be wrapped into an rpc.ArduinoCoreService_InitServer, and we provided a method exactly for that:

// new Init method
func (s *arduinoCoreServerImpl) Init(req *rpc.InitRequest, stream rpc.ArduinoCoreService_InitServer) error { ... }

/// ...

// Initialize instance
initStream := InitStreamResponseToCallbackFunction(ctx, respCB)
if err := srv.Init(&rpc.InitRequest{Instance: req.GetInstance()}, initStream); err != nil {
  return err

Each gRPC method has an helper method to obtain the corresponding ArduinoCoreService_*Server parameter. Here a simple, but complete, example:

package main

import (

    rpc ""

func main() {
    // Create a new ArduinoCoreServer
    srv := commands.NewArduinoCoreServer()

    // Disable logging

    // Create a new instance in the server
    ctx := context.Background()
    resp, err := srv.Create(ctx, &rpc.CreateRequest{})
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error creating instance:", err)
    instance := resp.GetInstance()

    // Defer the destruction of the instance
    defer func() {
        if _, err := srv.Destroy(ctx, &rpc.DestroyRequest{Instance: instance}); err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Error destroying instance:", err)
        fmt.Println("Instance successfully destroyed")

    // Initialize the instance
    initStream := commands.InitStreamResponseToCallbackFunction(ctx, func(r *rpc.InitResponse) error {
        fmt.Println("INIT> ", r)
        return nil
    if err := srv.Init(&rpc.InitRequest{Instance: instance}, initStream); err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error during initialization:", err)

    // Search for platforms and output the result
    searchResp, err := srv.PlatformSearch(ctx, &rpc.PlatformSearchRequest{Instance: instance})
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error searching for platforms:", err)
    for _, platformSummary := range searchResp.GetSearchOutput() {
        installed := platformSummary.GetInstalledRelease()
        meta := platformSummary.GetMetadata()
        fmt.Printf("%30s %8s %s\n", meta.GetId(), installed.GetVersion(), installed.GetName())

YAML output format is no more supported

The yaml option of the --format flag is no more supported. Use --format json if machine parsable output is needed.

gRPC: The type field has been renamed to types in the cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformRelease message.

Rebuilding the gRPC bindings from the proto files requires to rename all access to type field as types.

By the way, the wire protocol is not affected by this change, existing clients should work fine without modification.

The type field has been renamed to types in the JSON output including a platform release.

Since the type field may contain multiple values has been renamed to types to better express this aspect.


$ arduino-cli core list --json | jq '.platforms[4].releases."1.8.13"'
  "name": "Arduino SAMD (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) Boards",
  "version": "1.8.13",
  "type": [


$ arduino-cli core list --json | jq '.platforms[4].releases."1.8.13"'
  "name": "Arduino SAMD (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) Boards",
  "version": "1.8.13",
  "types": [

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.CompileRequest.export_binaries changed type.

Previously the field export_binaries was a google.protobuf.BoolValue. We used this type because it expresses this field's optional nature (that is, it could be true, false, and null if not set).

Now the field is an optional bool, since the latest protobuf protocol changes now allows optional fields.

Some gRPC responses messages now uses the oneof clause.

The following responses message:

  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformInstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformDownloadResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformUninstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformUpgradeResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.DebugResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryDownloadResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryInstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryUpgradeResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryUninstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryUpgradeAllResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.ZipLibraryInstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.GitLibraryInstallResponse
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.MonitorResponse

now use the oneof clause to make the stream nature of the message more explicit. Just to give an example, the PlatformInstallResponse message has been changed from:

message PlatformInstallResponse {
  // Progress of the downloads of the platform and tool files.
  DownloadProgress progress = 1;
  // Description of the current stage of the installation.
  TaskProgress task_progress = 2;


message PlatformInstallResponse {
  message Result {
    // Empty message, reserved for future expansion.
  oneof message {
    // Progress of the downloads of the platform and tool files.
    DownloadProgress progress = 1;
    // Description of the current stage of the installation.
    TaskProgress task_progress = 2;
    // The installation result.
    Result result = 3;

The other messages have been changed in a similar way.

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.UpdateIndexResponse and UpdateLibrariesIndexResponse have changed.

The responses coming from the update index commands:

message UpdateIndexResponse {
  // Progress of the package index download.
  DownloadProgress download_progress = 1;

message UpdateLibrariesIndexResponse {
  // Progress of the libraries index download.
  DownloadProgress download_progress = 1;

are now more explicit and contains details about the result of the operation:

message UpdateIndexResponse {
  message Result {
    // The result of the packages index update.
    repeated IndexUpdateReport updated_indexes = 1;
  oneof message {
    // Progress of the package index download.
    DownloadProgress download_progress = 1;
    // The result of the index update.
    Result result = 2;

message UpdateLibrariesIndexResponse {
  message Result {
    // The result of the libraries index update.
    IndexUpdateReport libraries_index = 1;
  oneof message {
    // Progress of the libraries index download.
    DownloadProgress download_progress = 1;
    // The result of the index update.
    Result result = 2;

The IndexUpdateReport message contains details for each index update operation performed:

message IndexUpdateReport {
  enum Status {
    // The status of the index update is unspecified.
    // The index has been successfully updated.
    // The index was already up to date.
    // The index update failed.
    // The index update was skipped.

  // The URL of the index that was updated.
  string index_url = 1;
  // The result of the index update.
  Status status = 2;

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Profile message has been removed in favor of SketchProfile

The message Profile has been replaced with SketchProfile in the InitResponse.profile field:

message InitResponse {
  oneof message {
    Progress init_progress = 1;
    google.rpc.Status error = 2;
    // Selected profile information
    SketchProfile profile = 3;

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LoadSketchResponse message has been changed.

Previously the LoadSketchResponse containted all the information about the sketch:

message LoadSketchResponse {
  string main_file = 1;
  string location_path = 2;
  repeated string other_sketch_files = 3;
  repeated string additional_files = 4;
  repeated string root_folder_files = 5;
  string default_fqbn = 6;
  string default_port = 7;
  string default_protocol = 8;
  repeated SketchProfile profiles = 9;
  SketchProfile default_profile = 10;

Now all the metadata have been moved into a specific Sketch message:

message LoadSketchResponse {
  Sketch sketch = 1;

message Sketch {
  string main_file = 1;
  string location_path = 2;
  repeated string other_sketch_files = 3;
  repeated string additional_files = 4;
  repeated string root_folder_files = 5;
  string default_fqbn = 6;
  string default_port = 7;
  string default_protocol = 8;
  repeated SketchProfile profiles = 9;
  SketchProfile default_profile = 10;

Drop support for

We're dropping the support. It was the equivalent of Arduino IDE 1.x bundled tools directory.

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.MonitorRequest message has been changed.

Previously the MonitorRequest was a single message used to open the monitor, to stream data, and to change the port configuration:

message MonitorRequest {
  // Arduino Core Service instance from the `Init` response.
  Instance instance = 1;
  // Port to open, must be filled only on the first request
  Port port = 2;
  // The board FQBN we are trying to connect to. This is optional, and  it's
  // needed to disambiguate if more than one platform provides the pluggable
  // monitor for a given port protocol.
  string fqbn = 3;
  // Data to send to the port
  bytes tx_data = 4;
  // Port configuration, optional, contains settings of the port to be applied
  MonitorPortConfiguration port_configuration = 5;

Now the meaning of the fields has been clarified with the oneof clause, making it more explicit:

message MonitorRequest {
  oneof message {
    // Open request, it must be the first incoming message
    MonitorPortOpenRequest open_request = 1;
    // Data to send to the port
    bytes tx_data = 2;
    // Port configuration, contains settings of the port to be changed
    MonitorPortConfiguration updated_configuration = 3;
    // Close message, set to true to gracefully close a port (this ensure
    // that the gRPC streaming call is closed by the daemon AFTER the port
    // has been successfully closed)
    bool close = 4;

message MonitorPortOpenRequest {
  // Arduino Core Service instance from the `Init` response.
  Instance instance = 1;
  // Port to open, must be filled only on the first request
  Port port = 2;
  // The board FQBN we are trying to connect to. This is optional, and  it's
  // needed to disambiguate if more than one platform provides the pluggable
  // monitor for a given port protocol.
  string fqbn = 3;
  // Port configuration, optional, contains settings of the port to be applied
  MonitorPortConfiguration port_configuration = 4;

Now the message field MonitorPortOpenRequest.open_request must be sent in the first message after opening the streaming gRPC call.

The identification number of the fields has been changed, this change is not binary compatible with old clients.

Some golang modules from* have been made private.

The following golang modules are no longer available as public API:


Most of the executils library has been integrated inside the go-paths library The other packages are not intended for usage outside the Arduino CLI, we will keep them internal to allow future breaking changes as needed.

CLI changed JSON output for some lib, core, config, board, and sketch commands.

  • arduino-cli lib list --format json results are now wrapped under installed_libraries key

    { "installed_libraries": [ {...}, {...} ] }
  • arduino-cli lib examples --format json results are now wrapped under examples key

    { "examples": [ {...}, {...} ] }
  • arduino-cli core search --format json and arduino-cli core list --format json results are now wrapped under platforms key

    { "platforms": [ {...}, {...} ] }
  • arduino-cli config init --format json now correctly returns a json object containg the config path

    { "config_path": "/home/user/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml" }
  • arduino-cli config dump --format json results are now wrapped under config key

    { "config": { ... } }
  • arduino-cli board search --format json results are now wrapped under boards key

    { "boards": [ {...}, {...} ] }
  • arduino-cli board list --format json results are now wrapped under detected_ports key

    { "detected_ports": [ {...}, {...} ] }
  • arduino-cli sketch new now correctly returns a json object containing the sketch path

    { "sketch_path": "/tmp/my_sketch" }

config dump no longer returns default configuration values

Previously, the config dump CLI command returned the effective configuration, including both the values explicitly set via the configuration file and environment variables as well as the values provided by defaults.

It now only returns the explicitly set configuration data.

Use config get <configuration key> to get the effective value of the configuration

The gRPC response cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.CompileResponse has been changed.

The CompilerResponse message has been refactored to made explicit which fields are intended for streaming the build process and which fields are part of the build result.

The old CompilerResponse:

message CompileResponse {
  // The output of the compilation process (stream)
  bytes out_stream = 1;
  // The error output of the compilation process (stream)
  bytes err_stream = 2;
  // The compiler build path
  string build_path = 3;
  // The libraries used in the build
  repeated Library used_libraries = 4;
  // The size of the executable split by sections
  repeated ExecutableSectionSize executable_sections_size = 5;
  // The platform where the board is defined
  InstalledPlatformReference board_platform = 6;
  // The platform used for the build (if referenced from the board platform)
  InstalledPlatformReference build_platform = 7;
  // Completions reports of the compilation process (stream)
  TaskProgress progress = 8;
  // Build properties used for compiling
  repeated string build_properties = 9;
  // Compiler errors and warnings
  repeated CompileDiagnostic diagnostics = 10;

has been split into a CompilerResponse and a BuilderResult:

message CompileResponse {
  oneof message {
    // The output of the compilation process (stream)
    bytes out_stream = 1;
    // The error output of the compilation process (stream)
    bytes err_stream = 2;
    // Completions reports of the compilation process (stream)
    TaskProgress progress = 3;
    // The compilation result
    BuilderResult result = 4;

message BuilderResult {
  // The compiler build path
  string build_path = 1;
  // The libraries used in the build
  repeated Library used_libraries = 2;
  // The size of the executable split by sections
  repeated ExecutableSectionSize executable_sections_size = 3;
  // The platform where the board is defined
  InstalledPlatformReference board_platform = 4;
  // The platform used for the build (if referenced from the board platform)
  InstalledPlatformReference build_platform = 5;
  // Build properties used for compiling
  repeated string build_properties = 7;
  // Compiler errors and warnings
  repeated CompileDiagnostic diagnostics = 8;

with a clear distinction on which fields are streamed.

The gRPC response cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.UploadUsingProgrammerResponse and cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BurnBootloaderResponse has been changed.

The old messages:

message UploadUsingProgrammerResponse {
  // The output of the upload process.
  bytes out_stream = 1;
  // The error output of the upload process.
  bytes err_stream = 2;

message BurnBootloaderResponse {
  // The output of the burn bootloader process.
  bytes out_stream = 1;
  // The error output of the burn bootloader process.
  bytes err_stream = 2;

now have the oneof clause that makes explicit the streaming nature of the response:

message UploadUsingProgrammerResponse {
  oneof message {
    // The output of the upload process.
    bytes out_stream = 1;
    // The error output of the upload process.
    bytes err_stream = 2;

message BurnBootloaderResponse {
  oneof message {
    // The output of the burn bootloader process.
    bytes out_stream = 1;
    // The error output of the burn bootloader process.
    bytes err_stream = 2;

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformRelease has been changed.

We've added a new field called compatible. This field indicates if the current platform release is installable or not. It may happen that a platform doesn't have a dependency available for an OS/ARCH, in such cases, if we try to install the platform it will fail. The new field can be used to know upfront if a specific release is installable.

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformSummary has been changed.

We've modified the behavior of latest_version. Now this field indicates the latest version that can be installed in the current OS/ARCH.

core list now returns only the latest version that can be installed.

Previously, we showed the latest version without checking if all the dependencies were available in the current OS/ARCH. Now, the latest version will always point to an installable one even if a newer incompatible one is present.

core search now returns the latest installable version of a core.

We now show in the version column the latest installable version. If none are available then we show a n/a label. The corresponding command with --format json now returns the same output of arduino-cli core search --all --format json.

core upgrade and core install will install the latest compatible version.

Previously, we'd have tried the installation/upgrade of a core even if all the required tools weren't available in the current OS/ARCH. Now we check this upfront, and allowing the installation of incompatible versions only if a user explicitly provides it like: core install arduino:renesas_uno@1.0.2

gRPC service cc.arduino.cli.settings.v1 has been removed, and all RPC calls have been migrated to cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1

The service cc.arduino.cli.settings.v1 no longer exists and all existing RPC calls have been moved to the cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1 service adding a Settings prefix to the names of all messages. The existing RPC calls:

  • rpc GetAll(GetAllRequest) returns (GetAllResponse)
  • rpc Merge(MergeRequest) returns (MergeResponse)
  • rpc GetValue(GetValueRequest) returns (GetValueResponse)
  • rpc SetValue(SetValueRequest) returns (SetValueResponse)
  • rpc Write(WriteRequest) returns (WriteResponse)
  • rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse)

are now renamed to:

  • rpc SettingsGetAll(SettingsGetAllRequest) returns (SettingsGetAllResponse)
  • rpc SettingsMerge(SettingsMergeRequest) returns (SettingsMergeResponse)
  • rpc SettingsGetValue(SettingsGetValueRequest) returns (SettingsGetValueResponse)
  • rpc SettingsSetValue(SettingsSetValueRequest) returns (SettingsSetValueResponse)
  • rpc SettingsWrite(SettingsWriteRequest) returns (SettingsWriteResponse)
  • rpc SettingsDelete(SettingsDeleteRequest) returns (SettingsDeleteResponse)

gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibrarySearchRequest message has been changed.

The query field has been removed, use search_args instead.

CLI core list and core search changed JSON output.

Below is an example of the response containing an object with all possible keys set.

    "id": "arduino:avr",
    "maintainer": "Arduino",
    "website": "",
    "email": "",
    "indexed": true,
    "manually_installed": true,
    "deprecated": true,
    "releases": {
      "1.6.2": {
        "name": "Arduino AVR Boards",
        "version": "1.6.2",
        "type": [
        "installed": true,
        "boards": [
            "name": "Arduino Robot Motor"
        "help": {
          "online": ""
        "missing_metadata": true,
        "deprecated": true
      "1.8.3": { ... }
    "installed_version": "1.6.2",
    "latest_version": "1.8.3"

gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformSearchResponse message has been changed.

The old behavior was a bit misleading to the client because, to list all the available versions for each platform, we used to use the latest as it was describing the current platform version. We introduced a new message: PlatformSummary, with the intent to make the response more straightforward and less error-prone.

message PlatformSearchResponse {
  // Results of the search.
  repeated PlatformSummary search_output = 1;

// PlatformSummary is a structure containing all the information about
// a platform and all its available releases.
message PlatformSummary {
  // Generic information about a platform
  PlatformMetadata metadata = 1;
  // Maps version to the corresponding PlatformRelease
  map<string, PlatformRelease> releases = 2;
  // The installed version of the platform, or empty string if none installed
  string installed_version = 3;
  // The latest available version of the platform, or empty if none available
  string latest_version = 4;

The new response contains an array of PlatformSummary. PlatformSummary contains all the information about a platform and all its available releases. Releases contain all the PlatformReleases of a specific platform, and the key is the semver string of a specific version. We've added the installed_version and latest_version to make more convenient the access of such values in the map. A few notes about the behavior of the releases map:

  • It can be empty if no releases are found
  • It can contain a single-release
  • It can contain multiple releases
  • If in the request we provide the manually_installed=true, the key of such release is an empty string.

Removed gRPC API: cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformList, PlatformListRequest, and PlatformListResponse.

The following gRPC API have been removed:

  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformList: you can use the already available gRPC method PlatformSearch to perform the same task. Setting the all_versions=true and manually_installed=true in the PlatformSearchRequest returns all the data needed to produce the same result of the old api.
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformListRequest.
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformListResponse.

gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Platform message has been changed.

The old Platform and other information such as name, website, and email... contained details about the currently installed version and the latest available. We noticed an ambiguous use of the latest field, especially when such a message came in the PlatformSearchResponse response. In that use case, the latest field contained the specific version of a particular platform: this is a hack because the value doesn't always reflect the meaning of that property. Another inconsistent case occurs when a platform maintainer changes the name of a particular release. We always pick the value from the latest release, but this might not be what we want to do all the time. We concluded that the design of that message isn't something to be considered future-proof proof, so we decided to modify it as follows:

// Platform is a structure containing all the information about a single
// platform release.
message Platform {
  // Generic information about a platform
  PlatformMetadata metadata = 1;
  // Information about a specific release of a platform
  PlatformRelease release = 2;

// PlatformMetadata contains generic information about a platform (not
// correlated to a specific release).
message PlatformMetadata {
  // Platform ID (e.g., `arduino:avr`).
  string id = 1;
  // Maintainer of the platform's package.
  string maintainer = 2;
  // A URL provided by the author of the platform's package, intended to point
  // to their website.
  string website = 3;
  // Email of the maintainer of the platform's package.
  string email = 4;
  // If true this Platform has been installed manually in the user' sketchbook
  // hardware folder
  bool manually_installed = 5;
  // True if the latest release of this Platform has been deprecated
  bool deprecated = 6;
  // If true the platform is indexed
  bool indexed = 7;

// PlatformRelease contains information about a specific release of a platform.
message PlatformRelease {
  // Name used to identify the platform to humans (e.g., "Arduino AVR Boards").
  string name = 1;
  // Version of the platform release
  string version = 5;
  // Type of the platform.
  repeated string type = 6;
  // True if the platform is installed
  bool installed = 7;
  // List of boards provided by the platform. If the platform is installed,
  // this is the boards listed in the platform's boards.txt. If the platform is
  // not installed, this is an arbitrary list of board names provided by the
  // platform author for display and may not match boards.txt.
  repeated Board boards = 8;
  // A URL provided by the author of the platform's package, intended to point
  // to their online help service.
  HelpResources help = 9;
  // This field is true if the platform is missing installation metadata (this
  // happens if the platform has been installed with the legacy Arduino IDE
  // <=1.8.x). If the platform miss metadata and it's not indexed through a
  // package index, it may fail to work correctly in some circumstances, and it
  // may need to be reinstalled. This should be evaluated only when the
  // PlatformRelease is `Installed` otherwise is an undefined behaviour.
  bool missing_metadata = 10;
  // True this release is deprecated
  bool deprecated = 11;

To address all the inconsistencies/inaccuracies we introduced two messages:

  • PlatformMetadata contains generic information about a platform (not correlated to a specific release).
  • PlatformRelease contains information about a specific release of a platform.

debugging_supported field has been removed from gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BoardDetails and board details command in CLI

The debugging_supported field has been removed, since the possibility to debug is determined by:

  • the board selected
  • the board option selected
  • the programmer selected

the board details command has no sufficient information to determine it. If you need to determine if a specific selection of board + option + programmer supports debugging, use the gRPC call cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.GetDebugConfig: if the call is successful, it means that the debugging is supported.


CLI debug --info changed JSON output.

The string field server_configuration.script is now an array and has been renamed scripts, here an example:

  "executable": "/tmp/arduino/sketches/002050EAA7EFB9A4FC451CDFBC0FA2D3/Blink.ino.elf",
  "toolchain": "gcc",
  "toolchain_path": "/home/user/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc/7-2017q4/bin/",
  "toolchain_prefix": "arm-none-eabi",
  "server": "openocd",
  "server_path": "/home/user/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/openocd/0.10.0-arduino7/bin/openocd",
  "server_configuration": {
    "path": "/home/user/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/openocd/0.10.0-arduino7/bin/openocd",
    "scripts_dir": "/home/user/.arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/openocd/0.10.0-arduino7/share/openocd/scripts/",
    "scripts": [

gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.GetDebugConfigResponse message has been changed.

The fields toolchain_configuration and server_configuration are no more generic map<string, string> but they have changed type to goog.protobuf.Any, the concrete type is assigned at runtime based on the value of toolchain and server fields respectively.

For the moment:

  • only gcc is supported for toolchain, and the concrete type for toolchain_configuration is DebugGCCToolchainConfiguration.
  • only openocd is supported for server, and the concrete type for server_configuration is DebugOpenOCDServerConfiguration

More concrete type may be added in the future as more servers/toolchains support is implemented.

gRPC service cc.arduino.cli.debug.v1 moved to cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.

The gRPC service cc.arduino.cli.debug.v1 has been removed and all gRPC messages and rpc calls have been moved to cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.

The gRPC message DebugConfigRequest has been renamed to the proper GetDebugConfigRequest.

All the generated API has been updated as well.

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BoardListWatchRequest command request has been changed.

The gRPC message BoardListWatchRequest has been changed from:

message BoardListWatchRequest {
  // Arduino Core Service instance from the `Init` response.
  Instance instance = 1;
  // Set this to true to stop the discovery process
  bool interrupt = 2;


message BoardListWatchRequest {
  // Arduino Core Service instance from the `Init` response.
  Instance instance = 1;

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BoardListWatch service is now server stream only.

  rpc BoardListWatch(BoardListWatchRequest)
      returns (stream BoardListWatchResponse);


The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.UploadRepsonse command response has been changed.

Previously the UploadResponse was used only to stream the tool output:

message UploadResponse {
  // The output of the upload process.
  bytes out_stream = 1;
  // The error output of the upload process.
  bytes err_stream = 2;

Now the API logic has been clarified using the oneof clause and another field has been added providing an UploadResult message that is sent when a successful upload completes.

message UploadResponse {
  oneof message {
    // The output of the upload process.
    bytes out_stream = 1;
    // The error output of the upload process.
    bytes err_stream = 2;
    // The upload result
    UploadResult result = 3;

message UploadResult {
  // When a board requires a port disconnection to perform the upload, this
  // field returns the port where the board reconnects after the upload.
  Port updated_upload_port = 1;

golang API: method changed signature

The Upload method signature has been changed from:

func Upload(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) error { ... }


func Upload(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) (*rpc.UploadResult, error) { ... }

Now an UploadResult structure is returned together with the error. If you are not interested in the information contained in the structure you can safely ignore it.

golang package removed from public API

The package inventory is no more a public golang API.

board list --watch command JSON output has changed

board list --watch command JSON output changed from:

  "type": "add",
  "address": "COM3",
  "label": "COM3",
  "protocol": "serial",
  "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
  "hardwareId": "93B0245008567CB2",
  "properties": {
    "pid": "0x005E",
    "serialNumber": "93B0245008567CB2",
    "vid": "0x2341"
  "boards": [
      "name": "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect",
      "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nano:nanorp2040connect"


  "eventType": "add",
  "matching_boards": [
      "name": "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect",
      "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nano:nanorp2040connect"
  "port": {
    "address": "COM3",
    "label": "COM3",
    "protocol": "serial",
    "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
    "properties": {
      "pid": "0x005E",
      "serialNumber": "93B0245008567CB2",
      "vid": "0x2341"
    "hardware_id": "93B0245008567CB2"

Updated sketch name specifications

Sketch name specifications have been updated to achieve cross-platform compatibility.

Existing sketch names violating the new constraint need to be updated.

golang API: LoadSketch function has been moved

The function has been moved to package You must change the import accordingly.


gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Compile command now return expanded build_properties by default.

The gRPC cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Compile command now return expanded build_properties by default. If you want the **un**expanded build_properties you must set to true the field do_not_expand_build_properties in the CompileRequest.

compile --show-properties now return the expanded build properties.

The command compile --show-properties now returns the expanded build properties, with the variable placeholders replaced with their current value. If you need the **un**expanded build properties you must change the command line to compile --show-properties=unexpanded.


$ arduino-cli board details -b arduino:avr:uno --show-properties | grep ^tools.avrdude.path


$ arduino-cli board details -b arduino:avr:uno --show-properties | grep ^tools.avrdude.path
$ arduino-cli board details -b arduino:avr:uno --show-properties=unexpanded | grep ^tools.avrdude.path


golang API: method changed signature

The method:

func (b *Board) GetBuildProperties(userConfigs *properties.Map) (*properties.Map, error) { ... }

now requires a full FQBN object;

func (b *Board) GetBuildProperties(fqbn *FQBN) (*properties.Map, error) { ... }

Existing code may be updated from:





arduino-cli doesn't lookup anymore in the current directory for configuration file.

Configuration file lookup in current working directory and its parents is dropped. The command line flag --config-file must be specified to use an alternative configuration file from the one in the data directory.

Command outdated output change

For text format (default), the command prints now a single table for platforms and libraries instead of two separate tables.

Similarly, for JSON and YAML formats, the command prints now a single valid object, with platform and libraries top-level keys. For example, for JSON output:

$ arduino-cli outdated --format json
  "platforms": [
      "id": "arduino:avr",
      "installed": "1.6.3",
      "latest": "1.8.6",
      "name": "Arduino AVR Boards",
  "libraries": [
      "library": {
        "name": "USBHost",
        "author": "Arduino",
        "maintainer": "Arduino \\u003e",
        "category": "Device Control",
        "version": "1.0.0",
      "release": {
        "author": "Arduino",
        "version": "1.0.5",
        "maintainer": "Arduino \\u003e",
        "category": "Device Control",

Command compile does not support --vid-pid flag anymore

It was a legacy and undocumented feature that is now useless. The corresponding field in gRPC CompileRequest.vid_pid has been removed as well.

golang API: method removed

That method was outdated and must not be used.

golang API: method renamed

The following method in

func GetPlatforms(req *rpc.PlatformListRequest) ([]*rpc.Platform, error) { ... }

has been changed to:

func PlatformList(req *rpc.PlatformListRequest) (*rpc.PlatformListResponse, error) { ... }

now it better follows the gRPC API interface. Old code like the following:

platforms, _ := core.GetPlatforms(&rpc.PlatformListRequest{Instance: inst})
for _, i := range platforms {

must be changed as follows:

// Use PlatformList function instead of GetPlatforms
platforms, _ := core.PlatformList(&rpc.PlatformListRequest{Instance: inst})
// Access installed platforms through the .InstalledPlatforms field
for _, i := range platforms.InstalledPlatforms {


Added post_install script support for tools

The post_install script now runs when a tool is correctly installed and the CLI is in "interactive" mode. This behavior can be configured.

golang API: methods in changed signature

The following methods in

func (pme *Explorer) InstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error { ... }
func (pme *Explorer) RunPostInstallScript(platformRelease *cores.PlatformRelease) error { ... }

have changed. InstallTool requires the new skipPostInstall parameter, which must be set to true to skip the post install script. RunPostInstallScript does not require a *cores.PlatformRelease parameter but requires a *paths.Path parameter:

func (pme *Explorer) InstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB, skipPostInstall bool) error {...}
func (pme *Explorer) RunPostInstallScript(installDir *paths.Path) error { ... }


Sketch name validation

The sketch name submitted via the sketch new command of the CLI or the gRPC command cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.NewSketch are now validated. The applied rules follow the sketch specifications.

Existing sketch names violating the new constraint need to be updated.

daemon CLI command's --ip flag removal

The daemon CLI command no longer allows to set a custom ip for the gRPC communication. Currently there is not enough bandwith to support this feature. For this reason, the --ip flag has been removed.

board attach CLI command changed behaviour

The board attach CLI command has changed behaviour: now it just pick whatever port and FQBN is passed as parameter and saves it in the sketch.yaml file, without any validity check or board autodetection.

The sketch.json file is now completely ignored.

cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BoardAttach gRPC interface command removal

The cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.BoardAttach gRPC command has been removed. This feature is no longer available through gRPC.

golang API: methods in changed return type

The following methods in

func Upload(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) (*rpc.UploadResponse, error) { ... }
func UsingProgrammer(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadUsingProgrammerRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) (*rpc.UploadUsingProgrammerResponse, error) { ... }

do not return anymore the response (because it's always empty):

func Upload(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) error { ... }
func UsingProgrammer(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UploadUsingProgrammerRequest, outStream io.Writer, errStream io.Writer) error { ... }

golang API: methods in changed signature

The following method in

func Compile(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.CompileRequest, outStream, errStream io.Writer, progressCB rpc.TaskProgressCB, debug bool) (r *rpc.CompileResponse, e error) { ... }

do not require the debug parameter anymore:

func Compile(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.CompileRequest, outStream, errStream io.Writer, progressCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) (r *rpc.CompileResponse, e error) { ... }

golang API: package is no more public

The package cli has been made internal. The code in this package is no more public API and can not be directly imported in other projects.

golang API change in

The following LibrariesManager.InstallPrerequisiteCheck methods have changed prototype, from:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallPrerequisiteCheck(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) (*paths.Path, *libraries.Library, error) { ... }
func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallZipLib(ctx context.Context, archivePath string, overwrite bool) error { ... }


func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallPrerequisiteCheck(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) (*paths.Path, *libraries.Library, error) { ... }
func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallZipLib(ctx context.Context, archivePath *paths.Path, overwrite bool) error { ... }

InstallPrerequisiteCheck now requires an explicit name and version instead of a librariesindex.Release, because it can now be used to check any library, not only the libraries available in the index. Also the return value has changed to a LibraryInstallPlan structure, it contains the same information as before (TargetPath and ReplacedLib) plus Name, Version, and an UpToDate boolean flag.

InstallZipLib method archivePath is now a paths.Path instead of a string.

golang API change in

The packagemanager.Explorer method FindToolsRequiredForBoard:

func (pme *Explorer) FindToolsRequiredForBoard(board *cores.Board) ([]*cores.ToolRelease, error) { ... }

has been renamed to `FindToolsRequiredForBuild:

func (pme *Explorer) FindToolsRequiredForBuild(platform, buildPlatform *cores.PlatformRelease) ([]*cores.ToolRelease, error) { ... }

moreover it now requires the platform and the buildPlatform (a.k.a. the referenced platform core used for the compile) instead of the board. Usually these two value are obtained from the Explorer.ResolveFQBN(...) method.


Removed gRPC API: cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.UpdateCoreLibrariesIndex, Outdated, and Upgrade

The following gRPC API have been removed:

  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.UpdateCoreLibrariesIndex: you can use the already available gRPC methods UpdateIndex and UpdateLibrariesIndex to perform the same tasks.
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Outdated: you can use the already available gRPC methods PlatformList and LibraryList to perform the same tasks.
  • cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Upgrade: you can use the already available gRPC methods PlatformUpgrade and LibraryUpgrade to perform the same tasks.

The golang API implementation of the same functions has been removed as well, so the following function are no more available:

you can use the following functions as a replacement to do the same tasks:

Changes in golang functions and InitWithProfile

The following functions:

func Init(instance *rpc.Instance) []error { }
func InitWithProfile(instance *rpc.Instance, profileName string, sketchPath *paths.Path) (*rpc.Profile, []error) { }

no longer return the errors array:

func Init(instance *rpc.Instance) { }
func InitWithProfile(instance *rpc.Instance, profileName string, sketchPath *paths.Path) *rpc.Profile { }

The errors are automatically sent to output via feedback package, as for the other Init* functions.


Breaking changes in libraries name handling

In the structure the field:

  • RealName has been renamed to Name
  • Name has been renamed to DirName

Now Name is the name of the library as it appears in the file and DirName it's the name of the directory containing the library. The DirName is usually the name of the library with non-alphanumeric characters converted to underscore, but it could be actually anything since the directory where the library is installed can be freely renamed.

This change improves the overall code base naming coherence since all the structures involving libraries have the Name field that refers to the library name as it appears in the file.

gRPC message cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.Library no longer has real_name field

You must use the name field instead.

Machine readable lib list output no longer has "real name" field


The [*].library.real_name field has been removed.

You must use the [*] field instead.


The [*].library.realname field has been removed.

You must use the [*] field instead. removed parameter installLocation

The method:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) Install(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, libPath *paths.Path, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) error { ... }

no more needs the installLocation parameter:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) Install(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, libPath *paths.Path) error { ... }

The install location is determined from the libPath. now returns a list of libraries.

The method:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) FindByReference(libRef *librariesindex.Reference, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) *libraries.Library { ... }

has been changed to:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) FindByReference(libRef *librariesindex.Reference, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) libraries.List { ... }

the method now returns all the libraries matching the criteria and not just the first one. removed

The structure librariesmanager.LibraryAlternatives has been removed. The libraries.List object can be used as a replacement.

Breaking changes in UpdateIndex API (both gRPC and go-lang)

The gRPC message cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.DownloadProgress has been changed from:

message DownloadProgress {
  // URL of the download.
  string url = 1;
  // The file being downloaded.
  string file = 2;
  // Total size of the file being downloaded.
  int64 total_size = 3;
  // Size of the downloaded portion of the file.
  int64 downloaded = 4;
  // Whether the download is complete.
  bool completed = 5;


message DownloadProgress {
  oneof message {
    DownloadProgressStart start = 1;
    DownloadProgressUpdate update = 2;
    DownloadProgressEnd end = 3;

message DownloadProgressStart {
  // URL of the download.
  string url = 1;
  // The label to display on the progress bar.
  string label = 2;

message DownloadProgressUpdate {
  // Size of the downloaded portion of the file.
  int64 downloaded = 1;
  // Total size of the file being downloaded.
  int64 total_size = 2;

message DownloadProgressEnd {
  // True if the download is successful
  bool success = 1;
  // Info or error message, depending on the value of 'success'. Some examples:
  // "File xxx already downloaded" or "Connection timeout"
  string message = 2;

The new message format allows a better handling of the progress update reports on downloads. Every download now will report a sequence of message as follows:

DownloadProgressStart{url="https://...", label="Downloading package index..."}
DownloadProgressUpdate{downloaded=0, total_size=103928}
DownloadProgressUpdate{downloaded=29380, total_size=103928}
DownloadProgressUpdate{downloaded=69540, total_size=103928}
DownloadProgressEnd{success=true, message=""}

or if an error occurs:

DownloadProgressStart{url="https://...", label="Downloading package index..."}
DownloadProgressUpdate{downloaded=0, total_size=103928}
DownloadProgressEnd{success=false, message="Server closed connection"}

or if the file is already cached:

DownloadProgressStart{url="https://...", label="Downloading package index..."}
DownloadProgressEnd{success=true, message="Index already downloaded"}

About the go-lang API the following functions in

func UpdateIndex(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UpdateIndexRequest, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) (*rpc.UpdateIndexResponse, error) { ... }

have changed their signature to:

func UpdateIndex(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.UpdateIndexRequest, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB, downloadResultCB rpc.DownloadResultCB) error { ... }

UpdateIndex do not return anymore the latest UpdateIndexResponse (beacuse it was always empty).


Breaking changes in golang API

The PackageManager API has been heavily refactored to correctly handle multitasking and concurrency. Many fields in the PackageManager object are now private. All the PackageManager methods have been moved into other objects. In particular:

  • the methods that query the PackageManager without changing its internal state, have been moved into the new Explorer object
  • the methods that change the PackageManager internal state, have been moved into the new Builder object.

The Builder object must be used to create a new PackageManager. Previously the function NewPackageManager was used to get a clean PackageManager object and then use the LoadHardware* methods to build it. Now the function NewBuilder must be used to create a Builder, run the LoadHardware* methods to load platforms, and finally call the Builder.Build() method to obtain the final PackageManager.

Previously we did:

pm := packagemanager.NewPackageManager(...)
err = pm.LoadHardware()
err = pm.LoadHardwareFromDirectories(...)
err = pm.LoadHardwareFromDirectory(...)
err = pm.LoadToolsFromPackageDir(...)
err = pm.LoadToolsFromBundleDirectories(...)
err = pm.LoadToolsFromBundleDirectory(...)
pack = pm.GetOrCreatePackage("packagername")
// ...use `pack` to tweak or load more hardware...
err = pm.LoadPackageIndex(...)
err = pm.LoadPackageIndexFromFile(...)
err = pm.LoadHardwareForProfile(...)

// ...use `pm` to implement business logic...

Now we must do:

var pm *packagemanager.PackageManager

    pmb := packagemanager.Newbuilder(...)
    err = pmb.LoadHardware()
    err = pmb.LoadHardwareFromDirectories(...)
    err = pmb.LoadHardwareFromDirectory(...)
    err = pmb.LoadToolsFromPackageDir(...)
    err = pmb.LoadToolsFromBundleDirectories(...)
    err = pmb.LoadToolsFromBundleDirectory(...)
    pack = pmb.GetOrCreatePackage("packagername")
    // ...use `pack` to tweak or load more hardware...
    err = pmb.LoadPackageIndex(...)
    err = pmb.LoadPackageIndexFromFile(...)
    err = pmb.LoadHardwareForProfile(...)
    pm = pmb.Build()

// ...use `pm` to implement business logic...

It's not mandatory but highly recommended, to drop the Builder object once it has built the PackageManager (that's why in the example the pmb builder is created in a limited scope between braces).

To query the PackagerManager now it is required to obtain an Explorer object through the PackageManager.NewExplorer() method.

Previously we did:

func DoStuff(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, ...) {
    // ...implement business logic through PackageManager methods...
    ... := pm.Packages
    ... := pm.CustomGlobalProperties
    ... := pm.FindPlatform(...)
    ... := pm.FindPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pm.FindPlatformReleaseDependencies(...)
    ... := pm.DownloadToolRelease(...)
    ... := pm.DownloadPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pm.IdentifyBoard(...)
    ... := pm.DownloadAndInstallPlatformUpgrades(...)
    ... := pm.DownloadAndInstallPlatformAndTools(...)
    ... := pm.InstallPlatform(...)
    ... := pm.InstallPlatformInDirectory(...)
    ... := pm.RunPostInstallScript(...)
    ... := pm.IsManagedPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pm.UninstallPlatform(...)
    ... := pm.InstallTool(...)
    ... := pm.IsManagedToolRelease(...)
    ... := pm.UninstallTool(...)
    ... := pm.IsToolRequired(...)
    ... := pm.LoadDiscoveries(...)
    ... := pm.GetProfile(...)
    ... := pm.GetEnvVarsForSpawnedProcess(...)
    ... := pm.DiscoveryManager(...)
    ... := pm.FindPlatformReleaseProvidingBoardsWithVidPid(...)
    ... := pm.FindBoardsWithVidPid(...)
    ... := pm.FindBoardsWithID(...)
    ... := pm.FindBoardWithFQBN(...)
    ... := pm.ResolveFQBN(...)
    ... := pm.Package(...)
    ... := pm.GetInstalledPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pm.GetAllInstalledToolsReleases(...)
    ... := pm.InstalledPlatformReleases(...)
    ... := pm.InstalledBoards(...)
    ... := pm.FindToolsRequiredFromPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pm.GetTool(...)
    ... := pm.FindToolsRequiredForBoard(...)
    ... := pm.FindToolDependency(...)
    ... := pm.FindDiscoveryDependency(...)
    ... := pm.FindMonitorDependency(...)

Now we must obtain the Explorer object to access the same methods, moreover, we must call the release callback function once we complete the task:

func DoStuff(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager, ...) {
    pme, release := pm.NewExplorer()
    defer release()

    ... := pme.GetPackages()
    ... := pme.GetCustomGlobalProperties()
    ... := pme.FindPlatform(...)
    ... := pme.FindPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pme.FindPlatformReleaseDependencies(...)
    ... := pme.DownloadToolRelease(...)
    ... := pme.DownloadPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pme.IdentifyBoard(...)
    ... := pme.DownloadAndInstallPlatformUpgrades(...)
    ... := pme.DownloadAndInstallPlatformAndTools(...)
    ... := pme.InstallPlatform(...)
    ... := pme.InstallPlatformInDirectory(...)
    ... := pme.RunPostInstallScript(...)
    ... := pme.IsManagedPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pme.UninstallPlatform(...)
    ... := pme.InstallTool(...)
    ... := pme.IsManagedToolRelease(...)
    ... := pme.UninstallTool(...)
    ... := pme.IsToolRequired(...)
    ... := pme.LoadDiscoveries(...)
    ... := pme.GetProfile(...)
    ... := pme.GetEnvVarsForSpawnedProcess(...)
    ... := pme.DiscoveryManager(...)
    ... := pme.FindPlatformReleaseProvidingBoardsWithVidPid(...)
    ... := pme.FindBoardsWithVidPid(...)
    ... := pme.FindBoardsWithID(...)
    ... := pme.FindBoardWithFQBN(...)
    ... := pme.ResolveFQBN(...)
    ... := pme.Package(...)
    ... := pme.GetInstalledPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pme.GetAllInstalledToolsReleases(...)
    ... := pme.InstalledPlatformReleases(...)
    ... := pme.InstalledBoards(...)
    ... := pme.FindToolsRequiredFromPlatformRelease(...)
    ... := pme.GetTool(...)
    ... := pme.FindToolsRequiredForBoard(...)
    ... := pme.FindToolDependency(...)
    ... := pme.FindDiscoveryDependency(...)
    ... := pme.FindMonitorDependency(...)

The Explorer object keeps a read-lock on the underlying PackageManager that must be released once the task is done by calling the release callback function. This ensures that no other task will change the status of the PackageManager while the current task is in progress.

The PackageManager.Clean() method has been removed and replaced by the methods:

  • PackageManager.NewBuilder() (*Builder, commit func())
  • Builder.BuildIntoExistingPackageManager(target *PackageManager)

Previously, to update a PackageManager instance we did:

func Reload(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager) {
    ... = pm.LoadHardware(...)
    // ...other pm.Load* calls...

now we have two options:

func Reload(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager) {
    // Create a new builder and build a package manager
    pmb := packagemanager.NewBuilder(.../* config params */)
    ... = pmb.LoadHardware(...)
    // ...other pmb.Load* calls...

    // apply the changes to the original pm

in this case, we create a new Builder with the given config params and once the package manager is built we apply the changes atomically with BuildIntoExistingPackageManager. This procedure may be even more simplified with:

func Reload(pm *packagemanager.PackageManager) {
    // Create a new builder using the same config params
    // as the original package manager
    pmb, commit := pm.NewBuilder()

    // build the new package manager
    ... = pmb.LoadHardware(...)
    // ...other pmb.Load* calls...

    // apply the changes to the original pm

In this case, we don't even need to bother to provide the configuration parameters because they are taken from the previous PackageManager instance.

Some gRPC-mapped methods now accepts the gRPC request instead of the instance ID as parameter

The following methods in subpackages of*:

func Watch(instanceID int32) (<-chan *rpc.BoardListWatchResponse, func(), error) { ... }
func LibraryUpgradeAll(instanceID int32, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error { ... }
func LibraryUpgrade(instanceID int32, libraryNames []string, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error { ... }

have been changed to:

func Watch(req *rpc.BoardListWatchRequest) (<-chan *rpc.BoardListWatchResponse, func(), error) { ... }
func LibraryUpgradeAll(req *rpc.LibraryUpgradeAllRequest, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error { ... }
func LibraryUpgrade(ctx context.Context, req *rpc.LibraryUpgradeRequest, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error { ... }

The following methods in package

func GetInstance(id int32) *CoreInstance { ... }
func GetPackageManager(id int32) *packagemanager.PackageManager { ... }
func GetLibraryManager(instanceID int32) *librariesmanager.LibrariesManager { ... }

have been changed to:

func GetPackageManager(instance rpc.InstanceCommand) *packagemanager.PackageManager { ... } // Deprecated
func GetPackageManagerExplorer(req rpc.InstanceCommand) (explorer *packagemanager.Explorer, release func()) { ... }
func GetLibraryManager(req rpc.InstanceCommand) *librariesmanager.LibrariesManager { ... }

Old code passing the instanceID inside the gRPC request must be changed to pass directly the whole gRPC request, for example:

    eventsChan, closeWatcher, err := board.Watch(req.Instance.Id)

must be changed to:

    eventsChan, closeWatcher, err := board.Watch(req)

Removed detection of Arduino IDE bundling

Arduino CLI does not check anymore if it's bundled with the Arduino IDE 1.x. Previously this check allowed the Arduino CLI to automatically use the libraries and tools bundled in the Arduino IDE, now this is not supported anymore unless the configuration keys directories.builtin.libraries and are set.

gRPC enumeration renamed enum value in cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.LibraryLocation


go-lang API change in LibraryManager

The following methods:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallPrerequisiteCheck(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release) (*paths.Path, *libraries.Library, error) { ... }
func (lm *LibrariesManager) Install(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, libPath *paths.Path) error { ... ]
func (alts *LibraryAlternatives) FindVersion(version *semver.Version, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) *libraries.Library { ... }
func (lm *LibrariesManager) FindByReference(libRef *librariesindex.Reference) *libraries.Library { ... }

now requires a new parameter LibraryLocation:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) InstallPrerequisiteCheck(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) (*paths.Path, *libraries.Library, error) { ... }
func (lm *LibrariesManager) Install(indexLibrary *librariesindex.Release, libPath *paths.Path, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) error { ... ]
func (alts *LibraryAlternatives) FindVersion(version *semver.Version, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) *libraries.Library { ... }
+func (lm *LibrariesManager) FindByReference(libRef *librariesindex.Reference, installLocation libraries.LibraryLocation) *libraries.Library { ... }

If you're not interested in specifying the LibraryLocation you can use libraries.User to refer to the user directory.

go-lang functions changes in

  • function has been removed.
  • has been renamed to BuiltinToolsDirectories
  • has been renamed to IDEBuiltinLibrariesDir

Removed utils.FeedStreamTo and utils.ConsumeStreamFrom and are now private. They are mainly used internally for gRPC stream handling and are not suitable to be public API.

0.26.0, and InstallToolRelease functions have been removed

This functionality was duplicated and already available via PackageManager methods. and Upgrade functions have been moved

  • is now
  • is now

Old code must change the imports accordingly. methods and fields change

  • The PackageManager.Log and TempDir fields are now private.
  • The PackageManager.DownloadToolRelease method has no more the label parameter:

    func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadToolRelease(tool *cores.ToolRelease, config *downloader.Config, label string, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error {

    has been changed to:

    func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadToolRelease(tool *cores.ToolRelease, config *downloader.Config, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error {

    Old code should remove the label parameter.

  • The PackageManager.UninstallPlatform, PackageManager.InstallTool, and PackageManager.UninstallTool methods now requires a

    func (pm *PackageManager) UninstallPlatform(platformRelease *cores.PlatformRelease) error {
    func (pm *PackageManager) InstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease) error {
    func (pm *PackageManager) UninstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease) error {

    have been changed to:

    func (pm *PackageManager) UninstallPlatform(platformRelease *cores.PlatformRelease, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error {
    func (pm *PackageManager) InstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error {
    func (pm *PackageManager) UninstallTool(toolRelease *cores.ToolRelease, taskCB rpc.TaskProgressCB) error {

    If you're not interested in getting the task events you can pass an empty callback function.


go-lang function has been changed

The function FeedStreamTo has been changed from:

func FeedStreamTo(writer func(data []byte)) io.Writer


func FeedStreamTo(writer func(data []byte)) (io.WriteCloser, context.Context)

The user must call the Close method on the returned io.WriteClose to correctly dispose the streaming channel. The context Done() method may be used to wait for the internal subroutines to complete.


The gRPC Monitor service and the gRPC call Monitor.StreamingOpen have been removed in favor of the new Pluggable Monitor API in the gRPC Commands service:

  • Commands.Monitor: open a monitor connection to a communication port.
  • Commands.EnumerateMonitorPortSettings: enumerate the possible configurations parameters for a communication port.

Please refer to the official documentation and the reference client implementation for details on how to use the new API.


Arduino IDE builtin libraries are now excluded from the build when running arduino-cli standalone

Previously the "builtin libraries" in the Arduino IDE 1.8.x were always included in the build process. This wasn't the intended behaviour, arduino-cli should include them only if run as a daemon from the Arduino IDE. Now this is fixed, but since it has been the default behaviour from a very long time we decided to report it here as a breaking change.

If a compilation fail for a missing bundled library, you can fix it just by installing the missing library from the library manager as usual.

gRPC: Changes in message cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformReference

The gRPC message structure cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.PlatformReference has been renamed to cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.InstalledPlatformReference, and some new fields have been added:

  • install_dir is the installation directory of the platform
  • package_url is the 3rd party platform URL of the platform

It is currently used only in cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1.CompileResponse, so the field type has been changed as well. Old gRPC clients must only update gRPC bindings. They can safely ignore the new fields if not needed.

golang API: has been moved under

Legacy code should just update the import.

golang API: PackageManager.DownloadPlatformRelease no longer need label parameter

func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadPlatformRelease(platform *cores.PlatformRelease, config *downloader.Config, label string, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error {

is now:

func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadPlatformRelease(platform *cores.PlatformRelease, config *downloader.Config, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error {

Just remove the label parameter from legacy code.

0.22.0 field changed type

Now the Port field of the error is a, usually imported as rpc.Port. The old discovery.Port can be converted to the new one using the .ToRPC() method.

Function has been removed

Use to detect boards.

Function arguments.GetDiscoveryPort(...) has been removed

NOTE: the functions in the arguments package doesn't have much use outside of the arduino-cli so we are considering to remove them from the public golang API making them internal.

The old function:

func (p *Port) GetDiscoveryPort(instance *rpc.Instance, sk *sketch.Sketch) *discovery.Port { }

is now replaced by the more powerful:

func (p *Port) DetectFQBN(inst *rpc.Instance) (string, *rpc.Port) { }

func CalculateFQBNAndPort(portArgs *Port, fqbnArg *Fqbn, instance *rpc.Instance, sk *sketch.Sketch) (string, *rpc.Port) { }

gRPC: address parameter has been removed from commands.SupportedUserFieldsRequest

The parameter is no more needed. Lagacy code will continue to work without modification (the value of the parameter will be just ignored).

The content of package has been moved to a different path

In particular:

  • UserAgent and NetworkProxy have been moved to
  • the remainder of the package has been moved to

The old imports must be updated according to the list above.

commands.DownloadProgressCB and commands.TaskProgressCB have been moved to package

All references to these types must be updated with the new import.

commands.GetDownloaderConfig has been moved to package

All references to this function must be updated with the new import.

commands.Download has been removed and replaced by

The old function must be replaced by the new one that is much more versatile.

packagemanager.PackageManager.DownloadToolRelease, packagemanager.PackageManager.DownloadPlatformRelease, and resources.DownloadResource.Download functions change signature and behaviour

The following functions:

func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadToolRelease(tool *cores.ToolRelease, config *downloader.Config) (*downloader.Downloader, error)
func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadPlatformRelease(platform *cores.PlatformRelease, config *downloader.Config) (*downloader.Downloader, error)
func (r *DownloadResource) Download(downloadDir *paths.Path, config *downloader.Config) (*downloader.Downloader, error)

now requires a label and a progress callback parameter, do not return the Downloader object anymore, and they automatically handles the download internally:

func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadToolRelease(tool *cores.ToolRelease, config *downloader.Config, label string, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error
func (pm *PackageManager) DownloadPlatformRelease(platform *cores.PlatformRelease, config *downloader.Config, label string, progressCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error
func (r *DownloadResource) Download(downloadDir *paths.Path, config *downloader.Config, label string, downloadCB rpc.DownloadProgressCB) error

The new progress parameters must be added to legacy code, if progress reports are not needed an empty stub for label and progressCB must be provided. There is no more need to execute the downloader.Run() or downloader.RunAndPoll(...) method.

For example, the old legacy code like:

downloader, err := pm.DownloadPlatformRelease(platformToDownload, config)
if err != nil {
if err := downloader.Run(); err != nil {

may be ported to the new version as:

err := pm.DownloadPlatformRelease(platformToDownload, config, "", func(progress *rpc.DownloadProgress) {})

packagemanager.Load* functions now returns error instead of *status.Status

The following functions signature:

func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardware() []*status.Status { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardwareFromDirectories(hardwarePaths paths.PathList) []*status.Status { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardwareFromDirectory(path *paths.Path) []*status.Status { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadToolsFromBundleDirectories(dirs paths.PathList) []*status.Status { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadDiscoveries() []*status.Status { ... }

have been changed to:

func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardware() []error { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardwareFromDirectories(hardwarePaths paths.PathList) []error { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadHardwareFromDirectory(path *paths.Path) []error { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadToolsFromBundleDirectories(dirs paths.PathList) []error { ... }
func (pm *PackageManager) LoadDiscoveries() []error { ... }

These function no longer returns a gRPC status, so the errors can be handled as any other error.

Removed error return from discovery.New(...) function

The discovery.New(...) function never fails, so the error has been removed, the old signature:

func New(id string, args ...string) (*PluggableDiscovery, error) { ... }

is now:

func New(id string, args ...string) *PluggableDiscovery { ... }


packagemanager.NewPackageManager function change

A new argument userAgent has been added to packagemanager.NewPackageManager, the new function signature is:

func NewPackageManager(indexDir, packagesDir, downloadDir, tempDir *paths.Path, userAgent string) *PackageManager {

The userAgent string must be in the format "ProgramName/Version", for example "arduino-cli/0.20.1".

commands.Create function change

A new argument extraUserAgent has been added to commands.Create, the new function signature is:

func Create(req *rpc.CreateRequest, extraUserAgent ...string) (*rpc.CreateResponse, error) {

extraUserAgent is an array of strings, so multiple user agent may be provided. Each user agent must be in the format "ProgramName/Version", for example "arduino-cli/0.20.1".

commands.Compile function change

A new argument progressCB has been added to commands.Compile, the new function signature is:

func Compile(
    ctx context.Context,
    req *rpc.CompileRequest,
    outStream, errStream io.Writer,
    progressCB commands.TaskProgressCB,
    debug bool
) (r *rpc.CompileResponse, e error) {

if a callback function is provided the Compile command will call it periodically with progress reports with the percentage of compilation completed, otherwise, if the parameter is nil, no progress reports will be performed. function change

The parseArch parameter was removed since it was unused and was always true. This means that the architecture gets always parsed by the function. function change

The parseArch parameter was removed since it was unused and was always true. This means that the architecture gets always parsed by the function. Furthermore the function now should also correctly interpret packager:arch spelled with the wrong casing. and executils.NewProcessFromPath function change

A new argument extraEnv has been added to executils.NewProcess and executils.NewProcessFromPath, the new function signature is:

func NewProcess(extraEnv []string, args ...string) (*Process, error) {
func NewProcessFromPath(extraEnv []string, executable *paths.Path, args ...string) (*Process, error) {

The extraEnv params allow to pass environment variables (in addition to the default ones) to the spawned process. now requires an empty string to be passed for autodetection of locale

For automated detection of locale, change the call from:



i18n.Init("") module has been removed (in particular the i18n.Logger)

The i18n.Logger is no longer available. It was mainly used in the legacy builder struct field Context.Logger.

The Context.Logger field has been replaced with plain io.Writer fields Contex.Stdout and Context.Stderr. All existing logger functionality has been dropped, for example the Java-Style formatting with tags like {0} {1}... must be replaced with one of the equivalent golang printf-based alternatives and logging levels must be replaced with direct writes to Stdout or Stderr.


board details arguments change

The board details command now accepts only the --fqbn or -b flags to specify the FQBN.

The previously deprecated board details <FQBN> syntax is no longer supported.

board attach arguments change

The board attach command now uses --port and -p flags to set board port and --board and -b flags to select its FQBN.

The previous syntax board attach <port>|<FQBN> [sketchPath] is no longer supported.

--timeout flag in board list command has been replaced by --discovery-timeout

The flag --timeout in the board list command is no longer supported.


board list command JSON output change

The board list command JSON output has been changed quite a bit, from:

$ arduino-cli board list --format json
    "address": "/dev/ttyACM1",
    "protocol": "serial",
    "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
    "boards": [
        "name": "Arduino Uno",
        "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno",
        "vid": "0x2341",
        "pid": "0x0043"
    "serial_number": "954323132383515092E1"


$ arduino-cli board list --format json
    "matching_boards": [
        "name": "Arduino Uno",
        "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno"
    "port": {
      "address": "/dev/ttyACM1",
      "label": "/dev/ttyACM1",
      "protocol": "serial",
      "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
      "properties": {
        "pid": "0x0043",
        "serialNumber": "954323132383515092E1",
        "vid": "0x2341"

The boards array has been renamed matching_boards, each contained object will now contain only name and fqbn. Properties that can be used to identify a board are now moved to the new properties object, it can contain any key name. pid and vid have been moved to properties, serial_number has been renamed serialNumber and moved to properties. The new label field is the name of the port if it should be displayed in a GUI.

gRPC interface DebugConfigRequest, UploadRequest, UploadUsingProgrammerRequest, BurnBootloaderRequest, DetectedPort field changes

DebugConfigRequest, UploadRequest, UploadUsingProgrammerRequest and BurnBootloaderRequest had their port field change from type string to Port.

Port contains the following information:

// Port represents a board port that may be used to upload or to monitor a board
message Port {
  // Address of the port (e.g., `/dev/ttyACM0`).
  string address = 1;
  // The port label to show on the GUI (e.g. "ttyACM0")
  string label = 2;
  // Protocol of the port (e.g., `serial`, `network`, ...).
  string protocol = 3;
  // A human friendly description of the protocol (e.g., "Serial Port (USB)"
  string protocol_label = 4;
  // A set of properties of the port
  map<string, string> properties = 5;

The gRPC interface message DetectedPort has been changed from:

message DetectedPort {
  // Address of the port (e.g., `serial:///dev/ttyACM0`).
  string address = 1;
  // Protocol of the port (e.g., `serial`).
  string protocol = 2;
  // A human friendly description of the protocol (e.g., "Serial Port (USB)").
  string protocol_label = 3;
  // The boards attached to the port.
  repeated BoardListItem boards = 4;
  // Serial number of connected board
  string serial_number = 5;


message DetectedPort {
  // The possible boards attached to the port.
  repeated BoardListItem matching_boards = 1;
  // The port details
  Port port = 2;

The properties previously contained directly in the message are now stored in the port property.

These changes are necessary for the pluggable discovery.

gRPC interface BoardListItem change

The vid and pid fields of the BoardListItem message have been removed. They used to only be available when requesting connected board lists, now that information is stored in the port field of DetectedPort.

Change public library interface package

The behavior of the Init function has changed. The user specified locale code is no longer read from the package and now must be passed directly to Init as a string:


Omit the argument for automated locale detection:

i18n.Init() package

GenBuildPath() function has been moved to package. The signature is unchanged.

EnsureBuildPathExists function from has been completely removed, in its place use

SketchSaveItemCpp function signature is changed from path string, contents []byte, destPath string to path *paths.Path, contents []byte, destPath *paths.Path. paths is

SketchLoad function has been removed, in its place use New from package.

-      SketchLoad("/some/path", "")
+      sketch.New(paths.New("some/path))

If you need to set a custom build path you must instead set it after creating the Sketch.

-      SketchLoad("/some/path", "/my/build/path")
+      s, err := sketch.New(paths.New("some/path))
+      s.BuildPath ="/my/build/path")

SketchCopyAdditionalFiles function signature is changed from sketch *sketch.Sketch, destPath string, overrides map[string]string to sketch *sketch.Sketch, destPath *paths.Path, overrides map[string]string. package

Item struct has been removed, use go-paths-helper.Path in its place.

NewItem has been removed too, use go-paths-helper.New in its place.

GetSourceBytes has been removed, in its place use go-paths-helper.Path.ReadFile. GetSourceStr too has been removed, in its place:

-      s, err := item.GetSourceStr()
+      data, err := file.ReadFile()
+      s := string(data)

ItemByPath type and its member functions have been removed, use go-paths-helper.PathList in its place.

Sketch.LocationPath has been renamed to FullPath and its type changed from string to go-paths-helper.Path.

Sketch.MainFile type has changed from *Item to go-paths-helper.Path. Sketch.OtherSketchFiles, Sketch.AdditionalFiles and Sketch.RootFolderFiles type has changed from []*Item to go-paths-helper.PathList.

New signature has been changed from sketchFolderPath, mainFilePath, buildPath string, allFilesPaths []string to path *go-paths-helper.Path.

CheckSketchCasing function is now private, the check is done internally by New.

InvalidSketchFoldernameError has been renamed InvalidSketchFolderNameError. package

Sketch struct has been merged with sketch.Sketch struct.

Metadata and BoardMetadata structs have been moved to package.

NewSketchFromPath has been deleted, use sketch.New in its place.

ImportMetadata is now private called internally by sketch.New.

ExportMetadata has been moved to package.

BuildPath has been removed, use sketch.Sketch.BuildPath in its place.

CheckForPdeFiles has been moved to package. package

Sketch has been removed, use sketch.Sketch in its place.

SketchToLegacy and SketchFromLegacy have been removed, nothing replaces them.

Context.Sketch types has been changed from Sketch to sketch.Sketch.

Change in board details response (gRPC and JSON output)

The board details output WRT board identification properties has changed, before it was:

$ arduino-cli board details arduino:samd:mkr1000
Board name:                Arduino MKR1000
FQBN:                      arduino:samd:mkr1000
Board version:             1.8.11
Debugging supported:       ✔

Official Arduino board:    ✔

Identification properties: VID:0x2341 PID:0x824e
                           VID:0x2341 PID:0x024e
                           VID:0x2341 PID:0x804e
                           VID:0x2341 PID:0x004e

$ arduino-cli board details arduino:samd:mkr1000 --format json
  "identification_prefs": [
      "usb_id": {
        "vid": "0x2341",
        "pid": "0x804e"
      "usb_id": {
        "vid": "0x2341",
        "pid": "0x004e"
      "usb_id": {
        "vid": "0x2341",
        "pid": "0x824e"
      "usb_id": {
        "vid": "0x2341",
        "pid": "0x024e"

now the properties have been renamed from identification_prefs to identification_properties and they are no longer specific to USB but they can theoretically be any set of key/values:

$ arduino-cli board details arduino:samd:mkr1000
Board name:                Arduino MKR1000
FQBN:                      arduino:samd:mkr1000
Board version:             1.8.11
Debugging supported:       ✔

Official Arduino board:    ✔

Identification properties: vid=0x2341

Identification properties: vid=0x2341

Identification properties: vid=0x2341

Identification properties: vid=0x2341

$ arduino-cli board details arduino:samd:mkr1000 --format json
  "identification_properties": [
      "properties": {
        "pid": "0x804e",
        "vid": "0x2341"
      "properties": {
        "pid": "0x004e",
        "vid": "0x2341"
      "properties": {
        "pid": "0x824e",
        "vid": "0x2341"
      "properties": {
        "pid": "0x024e",
        "vid": "0x2341"

Change of behaviour of gRPC Init function

Previously the Init function was used to both create a new CoreInstance and initialize it, so that the internal package and library managers were already populated with all the information available from *_index.json files, installed platforms and libraries and so on.

Now the initialization phase is split into two, first the client must create a new CoreInstance with the Create function, that does mainly two things:

  • create all folders necessary to correctly run the CLI if not already existing
  • create and return a new CoreInstance

The Create function will only fail if folders creation is not successful.

The returned instance is relatively unusable since no library and no platform is loaded, some functions that don't need that information can still be called though.

The Init function has been greatly overhauled and it doesn't fail completely if one or more platforms or libraries fail to load now.

Also the option library_manager_only has been removed, the package manager is always initialized and platforms are loaded.

The Init was already a server-side streaming function but it would always return one and only one response, this has been modified so that each response is either an error or a notification on the initialization process so that it works more like an actual stream of information.

Previously a client would call the function like so:

const initReq = new InitRequest()
const initResp = await new Promise<InitResponse>((resolve, reject) => {
  let resp: InitResponse | undefined = undefined
  const stream = client.init(initReq)
  stream.on("data", (data: InitResponse) => (resp = data))
  stream.on("end", () => resolve(resp!))
  stream.on("error", (err) => reject(err))

const instance = initResp.getInstance()
if (!instance) {
  throw new Error("Could not retrieve instance from the initialize response.")

Now something similar should be done.

const createReq = new CreateRequest()
const instance = client.create(createReq)

if (!instance) {
  throw new Error("Could not retrieve instance from the initialize response.")

const initReq = new InitRequest()
const initResp = client.init(initReq)
initResp.on("data", (o: InitResponse) => {
  const downloadProgress = o.getDownloadProgress()
  if (downloadProgress) {
    // Handle download progress
  const taskProgress = o.getTaskProgress()
  if (taskProgress) {
    // Handle task progress
  const err = o.getError()
  if (err) {
    // Handle error

await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
  initResp.on("error", (err) => reject(err))
  initResp.on("end", resolve)

Previously if even one platform or library failed to load everything else would fail too, that doesn't happen anymore. Now it's easier for both the CLI and the gRPC clients to handle gracefully platforms or libraries updates that might break the initialization step and make everything unusable.

Removal of gRPC Rescan function

The Rescan function has been removed, in its place the Init function must be used.

Change of behaviour of gRPC UpdateIndex and UpdateLibrariesIndex functions

Previously both UpdateIndex and UpdateLibrariesIndex functions implicitly called Rescan so that the internal CoreInstance was updated with the eventual new information obtained in the update.

This behaviour is now removed and the internal CoreInstance must be explicitly updated by the gRPC client using the Init function.

Removed rarely used golang API

The following function from the module is no longer available:

func (lm *LibrariesManager) UpdateIndex(config *downloader.Config) (*downloader.Downloader, error) {

We recommend using the equivalent gRPC API to perform the update of the index.


Breaking changes in gRPC API and CLI JSON output.

Starting from this release we applied a more rigorous and stricter naming conventions in gRPC API following the official guidelines:

We also started using a linter to implement checks for gRPC API style errors.

This provides a better consistency and higher quality API but inevitably introduces breaking changes.

gRPC API breaking changes

Consumers of the gRPC API should regenerate their bindings and update all structures naming where necessary. Most of the changes are trivial and falls into the following categories:

  • Service names have been suffixed with ...Service (for example ArduinoCore -> ArduinoCoreService)
  • Message names suffix has been changed from ...Req/...Resp to ...Request/...Response (for example BoardDetailsReq -> BoardDetailsRequest)
  • Enumerations now have their class name prefixed (for example the enumeration value FLAT in LibraryLayout has been changed to LIBRARY_LAYOUT_FLAT)
  • Use of lower-snake case on all fields (for example: ID -> id, FQBN -> fqbn, Name -> name, ArchiveFilename -> archive_filename)
  • Package names are now versioned (for example cc.arduino.cli.commands -> cc.arduino.cli.commands.v1)
  • Repeated responses are now in plural form (identification_pref -> identification_prefs, platform -> platforms)

arduino-cli JSON output breaking changes

Consumers of the JSON output of the CLI must update their clients if they use one of the following commands:

  • in core search command the following fields have been renamed:

    • Boards -> boards
    • Email -> email
    • ID -> id
    • Latest -> latest
    • Maintainer -> maintainer
    • Name -> name
    • Website -> website

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli core search Due --format json
        "id": "arduino:sam",
        "latest": "1.6.12",
        "name": "Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3)",
        "maintainer": "Arduino",
        "website": "",
        "email": "",
        "boards": [
            "name": "Arduino Due (Native USB Port)",
            "fqbn": "arduino:sam:arduino_due_x"
            "name": "Arduino Due (Programming Port)",
            "fqbn": "arduino:sam:arduino_due_x_dbg"
  • in board details command the following fields have been renamed:

    • identification_pref -> identification_prefs
    • usbID -> usb_id
    • PID -> pid
    • VID -> vid
    • websiteURL -> website_url
    • archiveFileName -> archive_filename
    • propertiesId -> properties_id
    • toolsDependencies -> tools_dependencies

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli board details arduino:avr:uno --format json
      "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno",
      "name": "Arduino Uno",
      "version": "1.8.3",
      "properties_id": "uno",
      "official": true,
      "package": {
        "maintainer": "Arduino",
        "url": "",
        "website_url": "",
        "email": "",
        "name": "arduino",
        "help": {
          "online": ""
      "platform": {
        "architecture": "avr",
        "category": "Arduino",
        "url": "",
        "archive_filename": "avr-1.8.3.tar.bz2",
        "checksum": "SHA-256:de8a9b982477762d3d3e52fc2b682cdd8ff194dc3f1d46f4debdea6a01b33c14",
        "size": 4941548,
        "name": "Arduino AVR Boards"
      "tools_dependencies": [
          "packager": "arduino",
          "name": "avr-gcc",
          "version": "7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7",
          "systems": [
              "checksum": "SHA-256:3903553d035da59e33cff9941b857c3cb379cb0638105dfdf69c97f0acc8e7b5",
              "host": "arm-linux-gnueabihf",
              "archive_filename": "avr-gcc-7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.bz2",
              "url": "",
              "size": 34683056
            { ... }
        { ... }
      "identification_prefs": [
          "usb_id": {
            "vid": "0x2341",
            "pid": "0x0043"
        { ... }
      "programmers": [
          "platform": "Arduino AVR Boards",
          "id": "parallel",
          "name": "Parallel Programmer"
        { ... }
  • in board listall command the following fields have been renamed:

    • FQBN -> fqbn
    • Email -> email
    • ID -> id
    • Installed -> installed
    • Latest -> latest
    • Name -> name
    • Maintainer -> maintainer
    • Website -> website

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli board listall Uno --format json
      "boards": [
          "name": "Arduino Uno",
          "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno",
          "platform": {
            "id": "arduino:avr",
            "installed": "1.8.3",
            "latest": "1.8.3",
            "name": "Arduino AVR Boards",
            "maintainer": "Arduino",
            "website": "",
            "email": ""
  • in board search command the following fields have been renamed:

    • FQBN -> fqbn
    • Email -> email
    • ID -> id
    • Installed -> installed
    • Latest -> latest
    • Name -> name
    • Maintainer -> maintainer
    • Website -> website

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli board search Uno --format json
        "name": "Arduino Uno",
        "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno",
        "platform": {
          "id": "arduino:avr",
          "installed": "1.8.3",
          "latest": "1.8.3",
          "name": "Arduino AVR Boards",
          "maintainer": "Arduino",
          "website": "",
          "email": ""
  • in lib deps command the following fields have been renamed:

    • versionRequired -> version_required
    • versionInstalled -> version_installed

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli lib deps Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier --format json
      "dependencies": [
          "name": "Adafruit seesaw Library",
          "version_required": "1.3.1"
          "name": "SD",
          "version_required": "1.2.4",
          "version_installed": "1.2.3"
        { ... }
  • in lib search command the following fields have been renamed:

    • archivefilename -> archive_filename
    • cachepath -> cache_path

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli lib search NTPClient --format json
      "libraries": [
          "name": "NTPClient",
          "releases": {
            "1.0.0": {
              "author": "Fabrice Weinberg",
              "version": "1.0.0",
              "maintainer": "Fabrice Weinberg \\u003e",
              "sentence": "An NTPClient to connect to a time server",
              "paragraph": "Get time from a NTP server and keep it in sync.",
              "website": "",
              "category": "Timing",
              "architectures": [
              "types": [
              "resources": {
                "url": "",
                "archive_filename": "",
                "checksum": "SHA-256:b1f2907c9d51ee253bad23d05e2e9c1087ab1e7ba3eb12ee36881ba018d81678",
                "size": 6284,
                "cache_path": "libraries"
            "2.0.0": { ... },
            "3.0.0": { ... },
            "3.1.0": { ... },
            "3.2.0": { ... }
          "latest": {
            "author": "Fabrice Weinberg",
            "version": "3.2.0",
            "maintainer": "Fabrice Weinberg \\u003e",
            "sentence": "An NTPClient to connect to a time server",
            "paragraph": "Get time from a NTP server and keep it in sync.",
            "website": "",
            "category": "Timing",
            "architectures": [
            "types": [
            "resources": {
              "url": "",
              "archive_filename": "",
              "checksum": "SHA-256:122d00df276972ba33683aff0f7fe5eb6f9a190ac364f8238a7af25450fd3e31",
              "size": 7876,
              "cache_path": "libraries"
      "status": 1
  • in board list command the following fields have been renamed:

    • FQBN -> fqbn
    • VID -> vid
    • PID -> pid

    The new output is like:

    $ arduino-cli board list --format json
        "address": "/dev/ttyACM0",
        "protocol": "serial",
        "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
        "boards": [
            "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
            "fqbn": "arduino:mbed:nano33ble",
            "vid": "0x2341",
            "pid": "0x805a"
            "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
            "fqbn": "arduino-dev:mbed:nano33ble",
            "vid": "0x2341",
            "pid": "0x805a"
            "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
            "fqbn": "arduino-dev:nrf52:nano33ble",
            "vid": "0x2341",
            "pid": "0x805a"
            "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
            "fqbn": "arduino-beta:mbed:nano33ble",
            "vid": "0x2341",
            "pid": "0x805a"
        "serial_number": "BECC45F754185EC9"
    $ arduino-cli board list -w --format json
      "type": "add",
      "address": "/dev/ttyACM0",
      "protocol": "serial",
      "protocol_label": "Serial Port (USB)",
      "boards": [
          "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
          "fqbn": "arduino-dev:nrf52:nano33ble",
          "vid": "0x2341",
          "pid": "0x805a"
          "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
          "fqbn": "arduino-dev:mbed:nano33ble",
          "vid": "0x2341",
          "pid": "0x805a"
          "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
          "fqbn": "arduino-beta:mbed:nano33ble",
          "vid": "0x2341",
          "pid": "0x805a"
          "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE",
          "fqbn": "arduino:mbed:nano33ble",
          "vid": "0x2341",
          "pid": "0x805a"
      "serial_number": "BECC45F754185EC9"
      "type": "remove",
      "address": "/dev/ttyACM0"


Change type of CompileReq.ExportBinaries message in gRPC interface

This change affects only the gRPC consumers.

In the CompileReq message the export_binaries property type has been changed from bool to google.protobuf.BoolValue. This has been done to handle settings bindings by gRPC consumers and the CLI in the same way so that they an identical behaviour.


Rename telemetry settings to metrics

All instances of the term telemetry in the code and the documentation has been changed to metrics. This has been done to clarify that no data is currently gathered from users of the CLI.

To handle this change the users must edit their config file, usually arduino-cli.yaml, and change the telemetry key to metrics. The modification must be done by manually editing the file using a text editor, it can't be done via CLI. No other action is necessary.

The default folders for the arduino-cli.yaml are:

  • Linux: /home/<your_username>/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml
  • OS X: /Users/<your_username>/Library/Arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml
  • Windows: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\arduino-cli.yaml


Changes in debug command

Previously it was required:

  • To provide a debug command line recipe in platform.txt like tools.reciped-id.debug.pattern=..... that will start a gdb session for the selected board.
  • To add a debug.tool definition in the boards.txt to recall that recipe, for example myboard.debug.tool=recipe-id


  • Only the configuration needs to be supplied, the arduino-cli or the GUI tool will figure out how to call and setup the gdb session. An example of configuration is the following:

The debug.executable key must be present and non-empty for debugging to be supported.

The debug.server.XXXX subkeys are optional and also "free text", this means that the configuration may be extended as needed by the specific server. For now only openocd is supported. Anyway, if this change works, any other kind of server may be fairly easily added.

The definitions above may be supplied and overlayed in the usual ways:

  • on platform.txt: definition here will be shared through all boards in the platform
  • on boards.txt as part of a board definition: they will override the global platform definitions
  • on programmers.txt: they will override the boards and global platform definitions if the programmer is selected

Binaries export must now be explicitly specified

Previously, if the --build-path was not specified, compiling a Sketch would copy the generated binaries in <sketch_folder>/build/<fqbn>/, uploading to a board required that path to exist and contain the necessary binaries.

The --dry-run flag was removed.

The default, compile does not copy generated binaries to the sketch folder. The --export-binaries (-e) flag was introduced to copy the binaries from the build folder to the sketch one. --export-binaries is not required when using the --output-dir flag. A related configuration key and environment variable has been added to avoid the need to always specify the --export-binaries flag: sketch.always_export_binaries and ARDUINO_SKETCH_ALWAYS_EXPORT_BINARIES.

If --input-dir or --input-file is not set when calling upload the command will search for the deterministically created build directory in the temp folder and use the binaries found there.

The gRPC interface has been updated accordingly, dryRun is removed.

Programmers can't be listed anymore using burn-bootloader -P list

The -P flag is used to select the programmer used to burn the bootloader on the specified board. Using -P list to list all the possible programmers for the current board was hackish.

This way has been removed in favour of board details <fqbn> --list-programmers.

lib install --git-url and --zip-file must now be explicitly enabled

With the introduction of the --git-url and --zip-file flags the new config key library.enable_unsafe_install has been added to enable them.

This changes the ouput of the config dump command.

Change behaviour of --config-file flag with config commands

To create a new config file with config init one must now use --dest-dir or the new --dest-file flags. Previously the config file would always be overwritten by this command, now it fails if the it already exists, to force the previous behaviour the user must set the --overwrite flag.