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Protocol Documentation

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Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
board_uri string The board's URI (e.g., /dev/ttyACM0).
sketch_path string Path of the sketch to attach the board to. The board attachment metadata will be saved to {sketch_path}/sketch.json.
search_timeout string Duration in seconds to search the given URI for a connected board before timing out. The default value is 5 seconds.


Field Type Label Description
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the board attachment.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
fqbn string The fully qualified board name of the board you want information about (e.g., arduino:avr:uno).


Field Type Label Description
fqbn string The fully qualified board name of the board.
name string Name used to identify the board to humans (e.g., Arduino Uno).
version string Installed version of the board's platform.
properties_id string The board ID component of the FQBN (e.g., uno).
alias string Board alias that can be used as a more user friendly alternative to the FQBN.
official bool Whether this is an official or 3rd party board.
pinout string URL of the board's pinout documentation.
package Package Data about the package that contains the board's platform.
platform BoardPlatform Data about the board's platform.
tools_dependencies ToolsDependencies repeated Tool dependencies of the board.
config_options ConfigOption repeated The board's custom configuration options.
programmers Programmer repeated List of programmers supported by the board
debugging_supported bool Set to true if the board supports debugging
identification_properties BoardIdentificationProperties repeated Identifying information for the board (e.g., USB VID/PID).


Field Type Label Description
properties BoardIdentificationProperties.PropertiesEntry repeated A set of properties that must all be matched to identify the board


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
search_args string repeated The search query to filter the board list by.
include_hidden_boards bool Set to true to get also the boards marked as "hidden" in the platform


Field Type Label Description
boards BoardListItem repeated List of installed boards.


Field Type Label Description
name string The name for use when identifying the board to a human.
fqbn string The fully qualified board name. Used to identify the board to a machine.
is_hidden bool If the board is marked as "hidden" in the platform
platform Platform Platform this board belongs to


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
timeout int64 Search for boards for the given time (in milliseconds)


Field Type Label Description
ports DetectedPort repeated List of ports and the boards detected on those ports.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
interrupt bool Set this to true to stop the discovery process


Field Type Label Description
event_type string Event type as received from the serial discovery tool
port DetectedPort Information about the port
error string Eventual errors when detecting connected boards


Field Type Label Description
architecture string Architecture of the platform (e.g., avr).
category string Category of the platform. Set to Contributed for 3rd party platforms.
url string Download URL of the platform archive file.
archive_filename string File name of the platform archive.
checksum string Checksum of the platform archive.
size int64 File size of the platform archive.
name string Name used to identify the platform to humans.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
search_args string The search query to filter the board list by.
include_hidden_boards bool Set to true to get also the boards marked as "hidden" in installed platforms


Field Type Label Description
boards BoardListItem repeated List of installed and installable boards.


Field Type Label Description
option string ID of the configuration option. For identifying the option to machines.
option_label string Name of the configuration option for identifying the option to humans.
values ConfigValue repeated Possible values of the configuration option.


Field Type Label Description
value string The configuration option value.
value_label string Label to identify the configuration option to humans.
selected bool Whether the configuration option is selected.


Field Type Label Description
matching_boards BoardListItem repeated The possible boards attached to the port.
port Port The port details


Field Type Label Description
online string URL for getting online help.


Field Type Label Description
maintainer string Maintainer of the package.
url string The URL of the platforms index file (e.g.,
website_url string A URL provided by the package author, intended to point to their website.
email string Email address of the package maintainer.
name string Package vendor name.
help Help Resources for getting help about using the package.


Field Type Label Description
checksum string Checksum of the tool archive.
host string Operating system identifier.
archive_filename string File name of the tool archive.
url string Download URL of the tool archive.
size int64 File size of the tool archive.


Field Type Label Description
packager string Vendor name of the package containing the tool definition.
name string Tool name.
version string Tool version.
systems Systems repeated Data for the operating system-specific builds of the tool.




Field Type Label Description
sketch_path string Absolute path to Sketch file or folder containing Sketch file
archive_path string Absolute path to archive that will be created or folder that will contain it
include_build_dir bool Specifies if build directory should be included in the archive




Field Type Label Description
instance Instance An Arduino Core instance.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance The Arduino Core Service instance to destroy.



Field Type Label Description
instance Instance An Arduino Core instance.


Field Type Label Description
init_progress InitResponse.Progress
error google.rpc.Status


Field Type Label Description
download_progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of platforms and libraries index files.
task_progress TaskProgress Describes the current stage of the initialization.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
sketch_path string Absolute path to single sketch file or a sketch folder


Field Type Label Description
main_file string Absolute path to a main sketch files
location_path string Absolute path to folder that contains main_file
other_sketch_files string repeated List of absolute paths to other sketch files
additional_files string repeated List of absolute paths to additional sketch files
root_folder_files string repeated List of absolute paths to supported files in the sketch root folder, main file excluded


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
sketch_name string New sketch name
sketch_dir string Optional: create a Sketch in this directory (used as "Sketchbook" directory). Default Sketchbook directory "directories.User" is used if sketch_dir is empty.


Field Type Label Description
main_file string Absolute path to a main sketch file


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.


Field Type Label Description
outdated_libraries InstalledLibrary repeated List of installed libraries that can be updated.
outdated_platforms Platform repeated List of installed cores that can be updated.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.


Field Type Label Description
download_progress DownloadProgress Progress of the index download.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.


Field Type Label Description
download_progress DownloadProgress Progress of the platforms index download.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.


Field Type Label Description
download_progress DownloadProgress Progress of the libraries index download.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
skip_post_install bool Set to true to not run (eventual) post install scripts


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of the platforms and libraries files.
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the upgrade.



Field Type Label Description
version string The version of Arduino CLI in use.


The main Arduino Platform service API


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
Create CreateRequest CreateResponse Create a new Arduino Core instance
Init InitRequest InitResponse stream Initializes an existing Arduino Core instance by loading platforms and libraries
Destroy DestroyRequest DestroyResponse Destroy an instance of the Arduino Core Service
UpdateIndex UpdateIndexRequest UpdateIndexResponse stream Update package index of the Arduino Core Service
UpdateLibrariesIndex UpdateLibrariesIndexRequest UpdateLibrariesIndexResponse stream Update libraries index
UpdateCoreLibrariesIndex UpdateCoreLibrariesIndexRequest UpdateCoreLibrariesIndexResponse stream Update packages indexes for both Cores and Libraries
Outdated OutdatedRequest OutdatedResponse Outdated returns a message with a list of outdated Cores and Libraries
Upgrade UpgradeRequest UpgradeResponse stream Upgrade both Cores and Libraries
Version VersionRequest VersionResponse Get the version of Arduino CLI in use.
NewSketch NewSketchRequest NewSketchResponse Create a new Sketch
LoadSketch LoadSketchRequest LoadSketchResponse Returns all files composing a Sketch
ArchiveSketch ArchiveSketchRequest ArchiveSketchResponse Creates a zip file containing all files of specified Sketch
BoardDetails BoardDetailsRequest BoardDetailsResponse Requests details about a board
BoardAttach BoardAttachRequest BoardAttachResponse stream Attach a board to a sketch. When the fqbn field of a request is not provided, the FQBN of the attached board will be used.
BoardList BoardListRequest BoardListResponse List the boards currently connected to the computer.
BoardListAll BoardListAllRequest BoardListAllResponse List all the boards provided by installed platforms.
BoardSearch BoardSearchRequest BoardSearchResponse Search boards in installed and not installed Platforms.
BoardListWatch BoardListWatchRequest stream BoardListWatchResponse stream List boards connection and disconnected events.
Compile CompileRequest CompileResponse stream Compile an Arduino sketch.
PlatformInstall PlatformInstallRequest PlatformInstallResponse stream Download and install a platform and its tool dependencies.
PlatformDownload PlatformDownloadRequest PlatformDownloadResponse stream Download a platform and its tool dependencies to the staging/packages subdirectory of the data directory.
PlatformUninstall PlatformUninstallRequest PlatformUninstallResponse stream Uninstall a platform as well as its tool dependencies that are not used by other installed platforms.
PlatformUpgrade PlatformUpgradeRequest PlatformUpgradeResponse stream Upgrade an installed platform to the latest version.
Upload UploadRequest UploadResponse stream Upload a compiled sketch to a board.
UploadUsingProgrammer UploadUsingProgrammerRequest UploadUsingProgrammerResponse stream Upload a compiled sketch to a board using a programmer.
SupportedUserFields SupportedUserFieldsRequest SupportedUserFieldsResponse Returns the list of users fields necessary to upload to that board using the specified protocol.
ListProgrammersAvailableForUpload ListProgrammersAvailableForUploadRequest ListProgrammersAvailableForUploadResponse List programmers available for a board.
BurnBootloader BurnBootloaderRequest BurnBootloaderResponse stream Burn bootloader to a board.
PlatformSearch PlatformSearchRequest PlatformSearchResponse Search for a platform in the platforms indexes.
PlatformList PlatformListRequest PlatformListResponse List all installed platforms.
LibraryDownload LibraryDownloadRequest LibraryDownloadResponse stream Download the archive file of an Arduino library in the libraries index to the staging directory.
LibraryInstall LibraryInstallRequest LibraryInstallResponse stream Download and install an Arduino library from the libraries index.
ZipLibraryInstall ZipLibraryInstallRequest ZipLibraryInstallResponse stream Install a library from a Zip File
GitLibraryInstall GitLibraryInstallRequest GitLibraryInstallResponse stream Download and install a library from a git url
LibraryUninstall LibraryUninstallRequest LibraryUninstallResponse stream Uninstall an Arduino library.
LibraryUpgradeAll LibraryUpgradeAllRequest LibraryUpgradeAllResponse stream Upgrade all installed Arduino libraries to the newest version available.
LibraryResolveDependencies LibraryResolveDependenciesRequest LibraryResolveDependenciesResponse List the recursive dependencies of a library, as defined by the depends field of the files.
LibrarySearch LibrarySearchRequest LibrarySearchResponse Search the Arduino libraries index for libraries.
LibraryList LibraryListRequest LibraryListResponse List the installed libraries.
Monitor MonitorRequest stream MonitorResponse stream Open a monitor connection to a board port
EnumerateMonitorPortSettings EnumerateMonitorPortSettingsRequest EnumerateMonitorPortSettingsResponse Returns the parameters that can be set in the MonitorRequest calls




Field Type Label Description
name string Name used to identify the board to humans.
fqbn string Fully qualified board name used to identify the board to machines. The FQBN is only available for installed boards.


Field Type Label Description
url string URL of the download.
file string The file being downloaded.
total_size int64 Total size of the file being downloaded.
downloaded int64 Size of the downloaded portion of the file.
completed bool Whether the download is complete.


Field Type Label Description
id int32 The ID of the instance.


Field Type Label Description
id string Platform ID (e.g., arduino:avr).
installed string Version of the platform.
latest string Newest available version of the platform.
name string Name used to identify the platform to humans (e.g., "Arduino AVR Boards").
maintainer string Maintainer of the platform's package.
website string A URL provided by the author of the platform's package, intended to point to their website.
email string Email of the maintainer of the platform's package.
boards Board repeated List of boards provided by the platform. If the platform is installed, this is the boards listed in the platform's boards.txt. If the platform is not installed, this is an arbitrary list of board names provided by the platform author for display and may not match boards.txt.
manually_installed bool If true this Platform has been installed manually in the user' sketchbook hardware folder
deprecated bool If true this Platform has been deprecated


Field Type Label Description
id string Platform ID (e.g., arduino:avr).
version string Version of the platform.


Field Type Label Description
platform string
id string
name string


Field Type Label Description
name string Description of the task.
message string Additional information about the task.
completed bool Whether the task is complete.
percent float Amount in percent of the task completion (optional)




Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
fqbn string Fully Qualified Board Name, e.g.: arduino:avr:uno. If this field is not defined, the FQBN of the board attached to the sketch via the BoardAttach method is used.
sketch_path string The path where the sketch is stored.
show_properties bool Show all build preferences used instead of compiling.
preprocess bool Print preprocessed code to stdout instead of compiling.
build_cache_path string Builds of 'core.a' are saved into this path to be cached and reused.
build_path string Path to use to store the files used for the compilation. If omitted, a directory will be created in the operating system's default temporary path.
build_properties string repeated List of custom build properties separated by commas.
warnings string Used to tell gcc which warning level to use. The level names are: "none", "default", "more" and "all".
verbose bool Turns on verbose mode.
quiet bool Suppresses almost every output.
vid_pid string VID/PID specific build properties.
jobs int32 The max number of concurrent compiler instances to run (as make -jx). If jobs is set to 0, it will use the number of available CPUs as the maximum.
libraries string repeated List of custom libraries dir paths.
optimize_for_debug bool Optimize compile output for debug, not for release.
export_dir string Optional: save the build artifacts in this directory, the directory must exist.
clean bool Optional: cleanup the build folder and do not use any previously cached build
create_compilation_database_only bool When set to true only the compilation database will be produced and no actual build will be performed.
source_override CompileRequest.SourceOverrideEntry repeated This map (source file -> new content) let the builder use the provided content instead of reading the corresponding file on disk. This is useful for IDE that have unsaved changes in memory. The path must be relative to the sketch directory. Only files from the sketch are allowed.
export_binaries google.protobuf.BoolValue When set to true the compiled binary will be copied to the export directory.
library string repeated List of paths to library root folders
keys_keychain string The path where to search for the custom signing key name and the encrypt key name
sign_key string The name of the custom key to use for signing during the compile process
encrypt_key string The name of the custom key to use for encrypting during the compile process


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
out_stream bytes The output of the compilation process (stream)
err_stream bytes The error output of the compilation process (stream)
build_path string The compiler build path
used_libraries Library repeated The libraries used in the build
executable_sections_size ExecutableSectionSize repeated The size of the executable split by sections
board_platform PlatformReference The platform where the board is defined
build_platform PlatformReference The platform used for the build (if referenced from the board platform)
progress TaskProgress Completions reports of the compilation process (stream)


Field Type Label Description
name string
size int64
max_size int64




AlreadyAtLatestVersionError is returned when an upgrade is not possible because already at latest version.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
platform_package string
architecture string Architecture name of the platform (e.g., avr).
version string Platform version to download.


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of platform and tool files.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
platform_package string Vendor name of the platform (e.g., arduino).
architecture string Architecture name of the platform (e.g., avr).
version string Platform version to install.
skip_post_install bool Set to true to not run (eventual) post install scripts for trusted platforms


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of the platform and tool files.
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the installation.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
updatable_only bool Set to true to only list platforms which have a newer version available than the one currently installed.
all bool Set to true to list platforms installed manually in the user' sketchbook hardware folder, installed with the PlatformManager through the CLI or IDE and that are available to install


Field Type Label Description
installed_platforms Platform repeated The installed platforms.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
search_args string Keywords for the search.
all_versions bool Whether to show all available versions. false causes only the newest versions of the cores to be listed in the search results.


Field Type Label Description
search_output Platform repeated Results of the search.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
platform_package string Vendor name of the platform (e.g., arduino).
architecture string Architecture name of the platform (e.g., avr).


Field Type Label Description
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the uninstall.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
platform_package string Vendor name of the platform (e.g., arduino).
architecture string Architecture name of the platform (e.g., avr).
skip_post_install bool Set to true to not run (eventual) post install scripts for trusted platforms


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of the platform and tool files.
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the upgrade.




Field Type Label Description
url string Download URL of the library archive.
archive_filename string Filename of the library archive.
checksum string Checksum of the library archive.
size int64 File size of the library archive.
cache_path string The directory under the staging subdirectory of the data directory the library archive file will be downloaded to.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
url string URL to the repository containing the library
overwrite bool Set to true to overwrite an already installed library with the same name. Defaults to false.


Field Type Label Description
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the installation.


Field Type Label Description
library Library Information about the library.
release LibraryRelease When the updatable field of the LibraryList request is set to true, this will contain information on the latest version of the library in the libraries index.


Field Type Label Description
name string The library's directory name.
author string Value of the author field in
maintainer string Value of the maintainer field in
sentence string Value of the sentence field in
paragraph string Value of the paragraph field in
website string Value of the url field in
category string Value of the category field in
architectures string repeated Value of the architectures field in
types string repeated The type categories of the library. Possible values: Arduino, Partner, Recommended, Contributed, Retired.
install_dir string The path of the library directory.
source_dir string The location of the library's source files.
utility_dir string The location of the library's utility directory.
container_platform string If location is platform_builtin or referenced_platform_builtin, the identifying string for the platform containing the library (e.g., arduino:avr@1.8.2).
real_name string Value of the name field in
dot_a_linkage bool Value of the dot_a_linkage field in
precompiled bool Value of the precompiled field in
ld_flags string Value of the ldflags field in
is_legacy bool A file is not present in the library's root directory.
version string Value of the version field in
license string Value of the license field in
properties Library.PropertiesEntry repeated The data from the library's file, including unused fields.
location LibraryLocation The location type of the library installation.
layout LibraryLayout The library format type.
examples string repeated The example sketches provided by the library
provides_includes string repeated Value of the includes field in or, if missing, the list of include files available on the library source root directory.
compatible_with Library.CompatibleWithEntry repeated Map of FQBNs that specifies if library is compatible with this library


Field Type Label Description
key string
value bool


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
name string Library name of the dependency.
version_constraint string Version constraint of the dependency.


Field Type Label Description
name string The name of the library dependency.
version_required string The required version of the library dependency.
version_installed string Version of the library dependency currently installed.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
name string Name of the library.
version string The version of the library to download.


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the library download.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
name string Name of the library.
version string The version of the library to install.
no_deps bool Set to true to skip installation of specified library's dependencies, defaults to false.


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the library download.
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the installation.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
all bool Whether to include built-in libraries (from platforms and the Arduino IDE) in the listing.
updatable bool Whether to list only libraries for which there is a newer version than the installed version available in the libraries index.
name string If set filters out the libraries not matching name
fqbn string By setting this field all duplicate libraries are filtered out leaving only the libraries that will be used to compile for the specified board FQBN.


Field Type Label Description
installed_libraries InstalledLibrary repeated List of installed libraries.


Field Type Label Description
author string Value of the author field in
version string Value of the version field in
maintainer string Value of the maintainer field in
sentence string Value of the sentence field in
paragraph string Value of the paragraph field in
website string Value of the url field in
category string Value of the category field in
architectures string repeated Value of the architectures field in
types string repeated The type categories of the library, as defined in the libraries index. Possible values: Arduino, Partner, Recommended, Contributed, Retired.
resources DownloadResource Information about the library archive file.
license string Value of the license field in
provides_includes string repeated Value of the includes field in
dependencies LibraryDependency repeated The names of the library's dependencies, as defined by the 'depends' field of


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
name string Name of the library.
version string The version of the library to check dependencies of. If no version is specified, dependencies of the newest version will be listed.


Field Type Label Description
dependencies LibraryDependencyStatus repeated Dependencies of the library.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
query string The search query.


Field Type Label Description
libraries SearchedLibrary repeated The results of the search.
status LibrarySearchStatus Whether the search yielded results.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
name string Name of the library.
version string The version of the library to uninstall.


Field Type Label Description
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the uninstallation.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.


Field Type Label Description
progress DownloadProgress Progress of the downloads of files needed for the upgrades.
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the upgrade.


Field Type Label Description
name string Library name.
releases SearchedLibrary.ReleasesEntry repeated The index data for the available versions of the library. The key of the map is the library version.
latest LibraryRelease The index data for the latest version of the library.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value LibraryRelease


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
path string Path to the archived library
overwrite bool Set to true to overwrite an already installed library with the same name. Defaults to false.


Field Type Label Description
task_progress TaskProgress Description of the current stage of the installation.


Name Number Description
LIBRARY_LAYOUT_FLAT 0 Library is in the 1.0 Arduino library format.
LIBRARY_LAYOUT_RECURSIVE 1 Library is in the 1.5 Arduino library format.


Name Number Description
LIBRARY_LOCATION_IDE_BUILTIN 0 In the libraries subdirectory of the Arduino IDE installation.
LIBRARY_LOCATION_USER 1 In the libraries subdirectory of the user directory (sketchbook).
LIBRARY_LOCATION_PLATFORM_BUILTIN 2 In the libraries subdirectory of a platform.
LIBRARY_LOCATION_REFERENCED_PLATFORM_BUILTIN 3 When LibraryLocation is used in a context where a board is specified, this indicates the library is in the libraries subdirectory of a platform referenced by the board's platform.
LIBRARY_LOCATION_UNMANAGED 4 Outside the libraries folders managed by the CLI.


Name Number Description
LIBRARY_SEARCH_STATUS_FAILED 0 No search results were found.
LIBRARY_SEARCH_STATUS_SUCCESS 1 Search results were found.




Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
port_protocol string The port protocol to enumerate settings.
fqbn string The board FQBN we are trying to connect to. This is optional, and it's needed to disambiguate if more than one platform provides the pluggable monitor for a given port protocol.


Field Type Label Description
settings MonitorPortSettingDescriptor repeated A list of descriptors of the settings that may be changed for the monitor port.


Field Type Label Description
settings MonitorPortSetting repeated The port configuration parameters to configure


Field Type Label Description
setting_id string
value string


Field Type Label Description
setting_id string The setting identifier
label string A human-readable label of the setting (to be displayed on the GUI)
type string The setting type (at the moment only "enum" is avaiable)
enum_values string repeated The values allowed on "enum" types
value string The selected or default value


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
port Port Port to open, must be filled only on the first request
fqbn string The board FQBN we are trying to connect to. This is optional, and it's needed to disambiguate if more than one platform provides the pluggable monitor for a given port protocol.
tx_data bytes Data to send to the port
port_configuration MonitorPortConfiguration Port configuration, optional, contains settings of the port to be applied


Field Type Label Description
error string Eventual errors dealing with monitor port
rx_data bytes Data received from the port
applied_settings MonitorPortSetting repeated Settings applied to the port, may be returned after a port is opened (to report the default settings) or after a new port_configuration is sent (to report the new settings applied)




Port represents a board port that may be used to upload or to monitor a board

Field Type Label Description
address string Address of the port (e.g., /dev/ttyACM0).
label string The port label to show on the GUI (e.g. "ttyACM0")
protocol string Protocol of the port (e.g., serial, network, ...).
protocol_label string A human friendly description of the protocol (e.g., "Serial Port (USB)").
properties Port.PropertiesEntry repeated A set of properties of the port


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string




Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
fqbn string Fully qualified board name of the target board (e.g., arduino:avr:uno).
port Port The port of the programmer used to program the bootloader.
verbose bool Whether to turn on verbose output during the programming.
verify bool After programming, verify the contents of the memory on the board match the uploaded binary.
programmer string The programmer to use for burning bootloader.
dry_run bool If set to true, the actual upload will not be performed but a trace output will be printed stdout. This is for debugging purposes.
user_fields BurnBootloaderRequest.UserFieldsEntry repeated User provided fields usually used by upload tools that need authentication or in any case fields that can be customized by the user at upload time and cannot be known previously. For more info:


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
out_stream bytes The output of the burn bootloader process.
err_stream bytes The error output of the burn bootloader process.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance
fqbn string


Field Type Label Description
programmers Programmer repeated



Field Type Label Description
instance Instance
fqbn string
protocol string Protocol that will be used to upload, this information is necessary to pick the right upload tool for the board specified with the FQBN.


Field Type Label Description
user_fields UserField repeated User fields supported by board specified in SupportedUserFieldsRequest. If board doesn't support any field it will be empty.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
fqbn string Fully qualified board name of the target board (e.g., arduino:avr:uno). If this field is not defined, the FQBN of the board attached to the sketch via the BoardAttach method is used.
sketch_path string Path where the sketch to be uploaded is stored. Unless the import_file field is defined, the compiled binary is assumed to be at the location and filename under this path where it is saved by the Compile method.
port Port The port of the board.
verbose bool Whether to turn on verbose output during the upload.
verify bool After upload, verify that the contents of the memory on the board match the uploaded binary.
import_file string When import_file is specified, it overrides the import_dir and sketch_path params.
import_dir string Custom path to a directory containing compiled files. When import_dir is not specified, the standard build directory under sketch_path is used.
programmer string The programmer to use for upload. If set an UploadUsingProgrammer is triggered instead of a normal upload. The UploadUsingProgrammer call may also be used for explicit error check.
dry_run bool If set to true, the actual upload will not be performed but a trace output will be printed stdout. This is for debugging purposes.
user_fields UploadRequest.UserFieldsEntry repeated User provided fields usually used by upload tools that need authentication or in any case fields that can be customized by the user at upload time and cannot be known previously. For more info:


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
out_stream bytes The output of the upload process.
err_stream bytes The error output of the upload process.


Field Type Label Description
instance Instance Arduino Core Service instance from the Init response.
fqbn string Fully qualified board name of the target board (e.g., arduino:avr:uno). If this field is not defined, the FQBN of the board attached to the sketch via the BoardAttach method is used.
sketch_path string Path where the sketch to be uploaded is stored. Unless the import_file field is defined, the compiled binary is assumed to be at the location and filename under this path where it is saved by the Compile method.
port Port The port of the board.
verbose bool Whether to turn on verbose output during the upload.
verify bool After upload, verify that the contents of the memory on the board match the uploaded binary.
import_file string When import_file is specified, it overrides the import_dir and sketch_path params.
import_dir string Custom path to a directory containing compiled files. When import_dir is not specified, the standard build directory under sketch_path is used.
programmer string The programmer to use for upload.
dry_run bool If set to true, the actual upload will not be performed but a trace output will be printed stdout. This is for debugging purposes.
user_fields UploadUsingProgrammerRequest.UserFieldsEntry repeated User provided fields usually used by upload tools that need authentication or in any case fields that can be customized by the user at upload time and cannot be known previously. For more info:


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
out_stream bytes The output of the upload process.
err_stream bytes The error output of the upload process.


Field Type Label Description
tool_id string Id of the tool that supports this field
name string Name used internally to store and retrieve this field
label string Label is the text shown to the user when they need to input this field
secret bool True if the value of the field must not be shown when typing, for example when the user inputs a network password

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)