
Here you can find a list of migration guides to handle breaking changes between releases of the CLI.


Changes in debug command

Previously it was required:

  • To provide a debug command line recipe in platform.txt like tools.reciped-id.debug.pattern=..... that will start a gdb session for the selected board.
  • To add a debug.tool definition in the boards.txt to recall that recipe, for example myboard.debug.tool=recipe-id


  • Only the configuration needs to be supplied, the arduino-cli or the GUI tool will figure out how to call and setup the gdb session. An example of configuration is the following:

The debug.server.XXXX subkeys are optional and also "free text", this means that the configuration may be extended as needed by the specific server. For now only openocd is supported. Anyway, if this change works, any other kind of server may be fairly easily added.

The debug.xxx=yyy definitions above may be supplied and overlayed in the usual ways:

  • on platform.txt: definition here will be shared through all boards in the platform
  • on boards.txt as part of a board definition: they will override the global platform definitions
  • on programmers.txt: they will override the boards and global platform definitions if the programmer is selected

Binaries export must now be explicitly specified

Previously, if the --build-path was not specified, compiling a Sketch would copy the generated binaries in <sketch_folder>/build/<fqbn>/, uploading to a board required that path to exist and contain the necessary binaries.

The --dry-run flag was removed.

The default, compile does not copy generated binaries to the sketch folder. The --export-binaries (-e) flag was introduced to copy the binaries from the build folder to the sketch one. --export-binaries is not required when using the --output-dir flag. A related configuration key and environment variable has been added to avoid the need to always specify the --export-binaries flag: sketch.always_export_binaries and ARDUINO_SKETCH_ALWAYS_EXPORT_BINARIES.

If --input-dir or --input-file is not set when calling upload the command will search for the deterministically created build directory in the temp folder and use the binaries found there.

The gRPC interface has been updated accordingly, dryRun is removed.

Programmers can't be listed anymore using burn-bootloader -P list

The -P flag is used to select the programmer used to burn the bootloader on the specified board. Using -P list to list all the possible programmers for the current board was hackish.

This way has been removed in favour of board details <fqbn> --list-programmers.

lib install --git-url and --zip-file must now be explicitly enabled

With the introduction of the --git-url and --zip-file flags the new config key library.enable_unsafe_install has been added to enable them.

This changes the ouput of the config dump command.

Change behaviour of --config-file flag with config commands

To create a new config file with config init one must now use --dest-dir or the new --dest-file flags. Previously the config file would always be overwritten by this command, now it fails if the it already exists, to force the previous behaviour the user must set the --overwrite flag.