
Install via Homebrew (macOS/Linux)

The Arduino CLI is available as a Homebrew formula since version 0.5.0:

brew update
brew install arduino-cli

Command line completion

Command line completion files are already bundled in the homebrew installation.

Use the install script

The script requires sh. This is always available on Linux and macOS. sh is not available by default on Windows. The script may be run on Windows by installing Git for Windows, then running it from Git Bash.

This script will install the latest version of Arduino CLI to $PWD/bin:

curl -fsSL | sh

If you want to target a different directory, for example ~/local/bin, set the BINDIR environment variable like this:

curl -fsSL | BINDIR=~/local/bin sh

If you would like to use the arduino-cli command from any location, install Arduino CLI to a directory already in your PATH or add the Arduino CLI installation path to your PATH environment variable.

If you want to download a specific arduino-cli version, for example 0.9.0, pass the version number as a parameter like this:

curl -fsSL | sh -s 0.9.0


Pre-built binaries for all the supported platforms are available for download from the links below.

If you would like to use the arduino-cli command from any location, extract the downloaded file to a directory already in your PATH or add the Arduino CLI installation path to your PATH environment variable.

Latest packages

Linux Linux 32 bit Linux 64 bit
Linux ARM Linux ARM 32 bit Linux ARM 64 bit
Windows Windows 32 bit Windows 64 bit

Deprecation notice: links in the form<platform>.tar.bz2 won’t be further updated. That URL will provide the version 0.3.7-alpha.preview, regardless of further releases.

Previous versions

These are available from the releases page

Nightly builds

These builds are generated every day at 01:00 GMT from the master branch and should be considered unstable. In order to get the latest nightly build available for the supported platform, use the following links:

Linux Nightly Linux 32 bit Nightly Linux 64 bit
Linux ARM Nightly Linux ARM 32 bit Nightly Linux ARM 64 bit
Windows Nightly Windows 32 bit Nightly Windows 64 bit
Mac OSX Nightly Mac OSX

These links return a 302: Found response, redirecting to latest generated builds by replacing latest with the latest available build date, using the format YYYYMMDD (i.e for 2019/Aug/06 latest is replaced with 20190806 )

Checksums for the nightly builds are available at<DATE>-checksums.txt

Build from source

If you’re familiar with Golang or if you want to contribute to the project, you will probably build the arduino-cli locally with your Go toolchain. Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING document for setup instructions.

If you don’t have a working Golang environment or if you want to build arduino-cli targeting different platforms, you can use Task to get a binary directly from sources. From the project folder run:

task dist:all

Once the build is over, you will find a ./dist/ folder containing the packages built out of the current source tree.